Mayor Bloomberg Say No to Muslim Holidays in NYC Public Schools....
Way to go, Mayor. Islam does not need any special favors and
if they do not like it, then they can leave the country.
Another FRENCH AIRBUS falls out of the sky for no apparent reason. Coincidence or Islamic terrorism?
One cannot help but have the thought of this possibly
being connected to terrorism, maybe not.
Pajamas Media » A Close Look at Obama’s New Islamic Partners
ISNA is not what Obama wants you to believe what
organization is.
Chesler Chronicles » Al-Qaeda Threatens France Over Burqa
Do not forget: Obama has defended the Burqa and Headscarves
several times as the noble parts of Islam. Rubbish,and
France has this one down.
Hot Air » Blog Archive » Breaking: Say hello to Senator Al Franken; Update: Coleman concedes
He was not funny as a comedian but I bet he will be as a Senator.
I will add funny in bad and nasty way. Recount how many times,
until a winner.
Anti-Terror TV Series Will Hunt 'Islamic Nazi'
From NBC, no less. Sounds good. Will Islam cry
anti semitism and other fouls, as usual?
Hot Air » Blog Archive » WH: Sotomayor reversal proves what a great judge she is
This is not surprising. The White House bending the SCOTUS Ricci case to
"try" and make Obama's pick for the court look relevant.
Jihad Watch: 85 Sharia courts now operating in Britain
Justice: Islamic style via Sharia law. Which really means
all other laws are null and void. Just the tip of the iceberg
in Britain. Close to the edge of totally caving in to Islam.
The trouble with Black Muslims
How Africa is in trouble with Islam.
A very good article and opens up some
discussion that Obama does not have the
moxi to to do.
As in the days of Noah:Obama to Lesbians, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT): "Welcome to Your White House"
Obama to Lesbians, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT):
"Welcome to Your White House"
This is just wrong. I will not say anything more.
WHY ISLAM? Islamic Lies advertising campaign being rolled out across America « Bare Naked Islam’s Weblog
WhyIslam? Let us count the ways of why not going near Islam.
Fair advertising? Read this and post your reactions.
The UN Jew-haters must have choked on this one « Bare Naked Islam’s Weblog
Yes, they choked on their halal meals.
Hospitals in Hawaii to Obama: You Were Not Born Here!
Here is another article about Obama's island birth.
'Proof' of Obama's Kenyan birth scrubbed three times by eBay
Interesting article about a controversy that will not die.
Maybe that is because there is some truth to this story.
Get it over and show us the birth certificate, Obama.
Now that would be some change, real transparency.
Barack Obama, The Enemy of Democracy
And Freedom, Liberty, America and beyond.
Gates of Vienna: He Must Be Doing Something Right
Go Geert Go. This is a great start to a serious
problem in the Netherlands
Calling Captain Macklin: 'Coup' in Honduras
Obama and Chavez are "upset." Good, and I
hope they screw this up too. Another foreign
policy failure. Jimmy Carter is looking good.
Obama Embraces Syria...Syria Responds by Threatening Israel With War....
Go ahead, Attack Israel and see what happens, again. Thanks Obama.
Weasel Zippers: Unreal: NY Dems Refuse to Stand for Pledge of Allegiance....
Traitors, they only pledge to AmeriKa and are "comrades" in arms.
Hot Air » Blog Archive » Coups, interference, and the shifting standards of Obama; Update: Coup or ‘military impeachment’?
Obama feels it is his right to meddle in Hounduras, backs Chavez of Venezuela
is calling this wrong. Leftists supporting each other, and they are wrong!
Gates of Vienna: John Bolton Opines on Obama
An excellent opinion from Bolton.
Hot Air » SCOTUS overrules Sotomayor on Ricci
A good thing, good news for a nice "change."
Plenty of proof offered here. Thanks to Pamela at Atlas Shrugs.
Obama's Honduras HYPOCRISY
This was NOT a coup. This was
to stop Zelaya who is in bed with
Hugo Chavez, from ignoring the
Hounduran Constitution.
Gates of Vienna: The Pace of Islamization
The Netherlands and Islam: Never a good mix.
About That “Fire Shower of Nuclear Retaliation”
A good read, and I like the option at the end of
the article.
Washington: Weakened Ahmadinejad may seek military adventures
The clown President continues under delusions of granduer.
Light posting Today, under the weather.
North Korean Ship Goes Free: U.S. Won't Inspect
Here is the original article from Radar Site.
Shameful, cowradice knows no depths.
North Korean Ship Goes Free: US Won't Inspect -- A Response from Radarsite
The coward and thief that is the POTUS comes through again,in the wrong way.
White House Door Still Open to Diplomacy with Iran
What a surprise, and how sad that this admonsitration
continues on its deadly course of weakness and
American Thinker Blog: UAW begs for tax relief - for their golf course
Yes, it is true. Our tax dollars hard at work for the Unions that
helped put Obama into office. Pathetic!
Pamela Geller, American Thinker: North Korea's March to War
Think again if think North Korea is not a threat to many
countries, including us here in the USA.
Need More Proof the Islamic World is Stuck in the 7th Century?...
A refreshing snapshot of the progress of Islam.
Chesler Chronicles » A Frenzy of Honor Killings: Neda, Soraya, Bursa—and Me.
Where is the MSM? Licking the boots of Islam and Obama.
Pakistani Christian man, tortured, raped, and murdered for refusing to convert to Islam
More gentle persuasion from Islam, with love to all us infidels and Kaffirs.
Gates of Vienna: The Disgrace of “Cap and Trade” -- Bumped#links#links#links
A great commentary by Dymphna from G of V. Check out the link to a video that really helps debunk the lies, scare tactics and myths of the GW community. Pray this bill gets defeated
badly enough that there is ZERO chance for presidential tricks to push this farce upon the American people. Dr. Philip Stott is the Video you should watch.
Weasel Zippers: Shocker!Fellow Academics Clear UCSB Professor Who Sent Email to His Students Comparing Israelis to Nazis of Any Wrongdoing....
universities are hell holes of leftist agendas and actions.
Sick and disgusting.
Diana West : Pundits, Get Out of Iran's "Green" Zone -
Is it mullah vs. mullah? Ms. West has an excellent commentary
on this and really worth your time to read this.
Obama Switches From One Terror Group (CAIR) to Another (ISNA)
Jihad is Jihad, Islam is Islam, terrorism is terrorism.
Islam is terrorism
Hot Air » Blog Archive » Oh my: Obama drafts executive order to detain terrorists indefinitely without trial
What, A Bush -Cheneyisk move?? The horrors for the left nut case
Kool Aid addicts. Will this be comedic relief?? Stay tuned!
Jihad Watch: Stoning of Soraya M actress spreads comforting falsehoods: Stoning "has nothing to do with Islam"
Excellent article. as always.
The Impact of Islam on Free Speech in America | The Brussels Journal
A grand slam by Diane West. Superb and accurate to the point
that many Americans and westerners will hang their heads in shame
for letting us get to the point to where we are at now. It is NOT
too late if we have the courage that the Founding Fathers did.
The first amendment is not a relic from the past. It is of
grave importance to the fight that must be waged today,
and tomorrow. Do you have children???
Conyers: "The Powers that Be" Made Me Back Off ACORN"
What a shocker, not! We know who the "Powers
That Be" are, and why they do not want Acorn and
all their backers exposed. It just might fatally cripple
all the promise of Hope and Change that
is bankrupting our country.
Gates of Vienna: Ecclesiastes, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Iran
By Dr. Richard Jansen of Colorado State University.
A very good read.
"From Mumbai to the USA: Are you ready yet?": A Second Look
A great article from Radar Site. Send this one far and wide!
WSJ: Cap-and-tax a great deal … if you don’t measure the costs
The truth about Obama's energy policy. More smoke
mirror and lies.
DEBKAfile - Netanyahu folds under US pressure for pulling out of West Bank towns before peace talks
So much for strong change in Israel.
doing what he does best: being weak and appeasing!
Jihad Watch: Jihadist forum: "If we are forced to eat Americans, let's make them into a gunpowder-flavored kabsa with some hors d'oeuvres made of apostates"
and learn about a dark part of Islam. What say you, liberal
supporters of Islam and haters of Israel?
Weasel Zippers: Obama's Iran Strategy Continues to Backfire: Ahmadinejad Says He Should Apologize for Interfering in Their Internal Affairs....
Pajamas Media » Maine Fines Group for ‘Inflammatory Anti-Muslim Message’
Need more proof of stealth jihad in action????
Weasel Zippers: Unreal: Maine Fines Group $4,000 for "Inflammatory Anti-Muslim" Mailings....
Not so "unstealth Jihad" in action. Dhiimmi fools in both states.
Weasel Zippers: Influential DC Foreign-Policy Magazine Selling Merchandise Celebrating Palestinian Terrorists....
Thanks to the AET for such open minded, fair reporting
and supporting such a noble jew hating cause.
Iranians Struggle as US Presses 'Engagement'
The Obama ship of fools marches on,
oblivious to the real world and the hatred
that is becoming WORSE towards
the USA. Clueless and ignorant. - Media Cheer Obama's Golf Outings; Criticized Republicans' Trips to Course
Note those listed as KIA at the end of the article. NO class
No honor from Obama. He hates this country and all it has
stood for. The Liar and Thief. beloved by the MSM
media. Shame on Obama!
JIhadwatch is Under DOS Attack
Jihad watch is out of commission
as it has been hacked and attacked.
Hope Robert can get JW up again!
Gee, I wonder who did this? Those darn Jews,
the Christians, right wing extremists, The US
Gov't, Islamofacist cyber attack?
White House to Abandon Spy-Satellite Program -
Can't have those satellites letting us know
where the terrorists are INSIDE the U.S. or helping
out in many other ways. Weakness and pandering
to the leftards who put Obama is the White House.
Kill Cap-and-Trade Before it Kills US/Call Congress NOW !!!
This is a very bad energy bill that will just bankrupt
those who can least afford it, the most.
Obama's Other Concern: Regime Change in Iran Would Reduce Pressure on Israel to Accept Hamas
Israel needs to tell Obama to tend to his OWN problems.
He does not have a clue about anything except golf
and ice cream.
Obama Likely to Back UK Muslim Group's Condemnation of Sarkozy's Stand on Burqas
Of course Obama will. He is a dhimmi stooge for Islam
and an islamosympathizer.
Atlas Shrugs: IRAN: THE BLOODY REVOLUTION MARCHES ON - Attacking Protesters, Islamic Ruling Murderers Call Victims "Terrorists", Govt charges"BULLET FEE" TO FAMILIES OF DEAD PROTESTERS ... UPDATED ALL DAY
Thanks to Pamela at Atlas Shrugs for the running posts
and commentary on what is
really going on INSIDE Iran.
19-year old Iranian woman describes how militia are beating up old women in the streets
More bravery shown by this woman
than the POTUS in speaking out
against the war against it's own people in Iran.
and this is just more proof how nasty
all aspects of Islam are. Pretty graphic
so you have been warned.
Counterterrorism Blog: Hizb ut-Tahrir America Launches Web Site to Promote July Conference
Islam want to destroy America and capitalism, Any doubts?
Read on and you won't see this in the MSM.
Unions Exempt From Obama Care Taxes--WHY???
Paying back for those votes from the Unions
that helped Obama slime into office.
Gates of Vienna: Pay No Attention to That Woman Behind the Veil
A small but significant victory against Islam and
what Obama wants to do to this country.
CNN Interview With Iranian Protester: "We Don't Deny the Holocaust, We Do Accept Israel's Rights"....
What a brave guy to say this in Iran. Read this and yes, it is for real.
Weasel Zippers: Video Insanity: What Happens When you Release Gitmo Vermin....
Here is how Islamofacism pays us back. Thanks Obama.
Iranian Regime Preparing Tribunals
More "justice" for the protesters.
WARNING: very graphic video
on this.
Is Obama Throwing Mousavi Under the Bus?
Now why would Obama do that? Because he may
worsae than the mullahs ruling Iran now! He is a
THREAT to Obama's grand appeasement
to Islam. Tip of the hat to CC. Great site!
Weasel Zippers: UAE Sentences Australian Rape Victim to Jail in Accordance With Sharia Law....
More justice. Islamic style. Women have so much
freedom under Islam and Sharia Law!
China Confidential: Iranian SS Threatens Mass Murder
Wishful thinking, or will the mullahs use even more
violent means to squash this bid for freedom
the mullahocracy?
American Thinker Blog: A Sign of the Times?
Big Brother is here and heavy handed.
Now a town has lost the only doctor they
had, all over a few pieces of pottery.
Another OBAMA SLAP AT ISRAEL US Apologizes for Skipping Durban II
Why not? He will keep on apologizing and appeasing
Islam and it's dhimmi slaves. Seems to be all he knows
how to do. Pathetic, and shame on Obama!
Neda: The Voice of the Iranian People
The young Iranian woman mudered by the mullahs in Iran.
VERY GRAPHIC IMAGES. RIP, Neda. MY heartfelt prayers
go out to her family.
Atlas Shrugs: Netanyahu Takes the Lead in Praising the Iranians
Leader Of ISrael does what Obambi is afraid to do, PERFECT!
This from the POTUS who tossed Israel under the bus.
Iran: A Letter from a Marine
Read this. Compare this Marine's service and dedication to
country and freedom. Obama is a true coward.
Anti Jihadists take the day at Troopathon 2009!
Way to go Anti Jihadists. Remember, this is a benefit for the troops and they are the real winners no matter who donates a package to them. True AMERICAN HEROES that deserve our support and respect.
Venezuela: Leftist Mob Puts Swastikas on House of Opposition Leader Whose Family are Holocaust Survivors.....
Jihad Watch: Algeria: Jihadist ambush on paramilitary police demonstrates al-Qaeda's expansion in northern Africa
Honor Their Service - Move America Forward
Here is the link to get you to Troopathon 2009.
Please help out! A noble and worthy cause.
Support Troopathon 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!
Patriot's Corner is a member of he Anti Jihadist team. All purchases will and do get sent to our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. I am quite honored to be in the comapny of Jihad watch, Right wing Bob, Bird Brain and many other outstanding blogs. It is for our troops. Eveyone should be able to get behind this. I will try and post a link to this in the next post.
This event is scheduled for June 25th.
The Weekly Standard
Hard to believe but read on for yourselves!
A comment about my comments
back and feel free to comment while you are here, even if we disagree.
Weasel Zippers: Arab Journalists Boycott Obama's Roundtable After Cairo Speech: Refused to Sit With a Jew....
An Excellent Letter to Obama: Called out by 4th Grade Teacher
Here's an excellent letter to the President. I wish I had written that one so I can be on Obama's s**** list. The school teacher really nailed him. How many millions of Americans across this Country think exactly what this school teacher has put in this email. What scares me is that every single day - - something surfaces that has been signed as a "Presidential order", or suddenly just appears as law! WHO does this stuff, while we're all sleeping at night? Those printing presses in DC must run night and day. This first (heaven help us), 100 days have been the most destructive period of time in our Nation's history - - - and we don't even know the half of it!
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