
JINO troll appointed by Obama to serve as anti-semitism Czar. She is a member of the nasty J-Street group.

Hannah Rosenthal appointed by
Obama to lead anti-semitism group
with her brand of ant-semitism
towards Israel and Jews. She is a
traitor and a JINO. She is a board
member of J-Street that receives
much of it's funding from Arab and
far left Jews that HATE Israel.

This is what the voters got when
they elected the first Muslim president
of the United States. There will be more to
come. It is just a matter of time.
From:Jihad Watch and World Net Daily
Obama appoints anti-Israel lobbyist as anti-Semitism czar

The proliferation of czars is a Constitutional issue, but aside from that, the jihadis worldwide must be extraordinarily happy over Obama's consistent anti-Israel line. "Anti-Israel lobbyist appointed to anti-Semitism post: J Street pick hints Jewish state to blame for hatred against its people," by Aaron Klein for WorldNetDaily, November 26:

President Obama's new anti-Semitism czar serves on the board of a controversial Israel-lobby group accused of working against the Jewish state, while her writings suggest Israel's policies are to blame for anti-Semitism.

Hannah Rosenthal, a former Health Department regional director under the Clinton administration, started her position earlier this week as the State Department's new special envoy to monitor and combat anti-Semitism. She previously headed the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, an umbrella U.S. Jewish organization.

Rosenthal, however, serves on the board of J Street, a lobby group that is mostly led by left-leaning Israelis and that receives funds from Arab and Muslim Americans.

J Street brands itself as pro-Israel. It states on its website it seeks to "promote meaningful American leadership to end the Arab-Israeli and Israeli-Palestinian conflicts peacefully and diplomatically."

J Street, however, also supports talks with Hamas, a terrorist group whose charter seeks the destruction of Israel. The group opposes sanctions against Iran and is harshly critical of Israeli offensive anti-terror military actions.

Even the Israeli government has been distancing itself from J Street, with its ambassador to Washington, Michael Oren, refusing to attend its annual dinner last month. Israeli Embassy spokesman Yoni Peled told the Jerusalem Post his government has some "concern over certain [J Street] policies that could impair Israel's interests."...



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