
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu Damages Israel with concessions. What a moron.

The Judenrat
From Atlas Shrugs

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu severely crippled
Israel and the Israeli postion earlier this week by starting
a partial band on settlements. A ban on ANY settlements
no matter where they are is a horrible blunder and will
cost Israel deeply. Jewish lives will be lost because of this
move of cowardice and knuckling under to the demands of the
Obama admisnistration. The demands will not stop here
and will only increase for Israel to give up more land and
make other concessions while the palestinians do nothing,
and give up NOTHING. Netanyahu has stabbed Israel
and every Jew in the back as far as I am concerned.

"A day after Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu announced that the security cabinet had approved a partial moratorium on building in the West Bank, Sports and Culture Minister Limor Livnat launched an unprecedented attack on US President Barack Obama. Speaking at a Likud activists' meeting in Beersheba, Livnat said that Israel had "fallen into the hands of a horrible American administration."

You can read the rest of the article here.


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