Political correctness is a malignant very toxic stew.
I want to say thank you to sundance and all who make up the the Treehouse. They are much better at explaining this than I am. PatriotUSA
sundance says:
Crimes need to be prosecuted regardless of race. Stories need to be written regardless of race. The truth needs to be discussed regardless of race.
Doing any of the above through the filter of skin color and social ramification considerations IS RACIST.
Not arresting or prosecuting someone because of the color of their skin is just as racist as arresting/prosecuting someone because of the color of their skin.
Not reporting on a crime because of the color of a suspects skin is just as racist as reporting on a crime because of the color of a suspects skin.
Regardless of skin color the who, what, when, where and why doesn’t change the empirical nature of what happened.
When race is used as a filtering mechanism (See the Orlando Sentinel with Zimmerman VS Martin) what changes in the discomfort and avoidance is the “who and why”…
What you end up with is a situation where the “who” and “why” questions are left to others trying to determine. This, by itself, is a dangerous social situation to create and it exacerbates racial tension."
UPDATE #2 The Mother, Billie Joe Howe-Fuller, of the attacked victim, now known to be Stephanie Nicole Fenner, is speaking out on social media platforms appearing quite upset that a racial prism is being used to outline this story:
[...] this girl is my daughter and whomever started this racist s--t are morons. We r not a racist family so don’t believe everything u read. At least the journal and cny although vague have all the facts correctly inatead of guessing at s--t like these crazy people on those blogs.Apparently Mrs Howe-Fuller is upset because in one of the comment sections of a local media report was a link where the story was discussed on a white-pride site StormFront. Mrs Howe-Fuller and her daughter Stephanie have a culturally and racially diverse social network of friends and family.
In keeping with the diversity surrounding the family, the victim, Stephanie Nicole Fenner, also disputes the racial componentry:

Ms. Fenner also shares there was more than one fight and her attackers included a group of five. Continue reading
Tags: BGI, CRS, Obama, Holder, DOJ, NAACP, Polar bear hunting, Knockout game, Political correctness, Diversity and multiculturalism gone wild. To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!