
KSM trial will glorify him as a martyr. Global Islam will celebrate.

Maybe this what Obama, Holder
and all the other Islamosympathizers
truly want out of this trial:

"Thomas Kean, in his first public comments on the matter, criticizes Attorney General Eric Holder's decision to bring Sept. 11 defendants into civilian federal court, saying the trial would help Khalid Sheikh Mohammed fulfill his dreams of martyrdom in the eyes of the Muslim world."

This seems so very appropriate now that
we have witnessed how Obama has gone
out of way  to support to Islam and Muslims.

It does matter that this trial is successful
and that this terrorist pig be executed
ASAP. The downside is that KSM will get all
of his wishes and Islamofacscists around the
globe will celebrate. As I see this, all of Islam
is on trial. We are at war with Islam and no
matter what Obama and his administration
of stooges do or say, most Muslims, global
Islam will continue to hate this country and
all that it stands for.

Thanks to Act for America for this!
From Fox News:

Former 9/11 Commission Chairman

Criticizes Plan for New York Trial

Thomas Kean, in his first public comments on the matter, criticizes Attorney General Eric Holder's decision to bring Sept. 11 defendants into civilian federal court, saying the trial would help Khalid Sheikh Mohammed fulfill his dreams of martyrdom in the eyes of the Muslim world.

The decision to bring Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other alleged Sept. 11 conspirators to New York City for trial will only give the self-professed mastermind of the attacks the platform for "propaganda" that he wants, the chairman of the 9/11 Commission said Tuesday.

Thomas Kean, in his first public comments on the matter, criticized Attorney General Eric Holder's decision to bring the defendants into civilian federal court, saying the trial would help Mohammed fulfill his dreams of martyrdom in the eyes of the Muslim world.

"I worry a little bit about the decision, because it's what Khalid Sheikh Mohammed wants. I mean, he wants a forum," Kean told WNYC radio. "I think he wants to be a martyr, so I think he's going to use the trial as propaganda ... and I think he wants to be Che Guevara or something like that. He's going to try to be a hero to the Muslim world."

Kean, a former Republican governor of New Jersey, joins a slew of other officials expressing concern about the decision.

New York Gov. David Paterson, a Democrat, said he would not have moved the suspects to New York for trial, while former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, a Republican, told "Fox News Sunday" that the move would only grant Mohammed's "wish."

Meanwhile, Holder defended his decision Tuesday, saying his team reviewed the potential downsides for such a trial but determined federal court was the best place to prosecute the suspects. Holder said he's confident the cases will be "successful."

On the same radio show with Kean, fellow 9/11 Commission member Richard Ben-Veniste backed up Holder's choice.

"This is a crime that warrants prosecution, and the American justice system is up to the task," he said.

Tags: Eric Holder, Khalid Sheihk Mohammed, Obama, Stupid decisions To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!

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