
Obama, what will he do about Afghanistan? Appeasement and stalling like Carter seems to be working fine for Obama. Meanwhile, our troops keep dying because of his pitiful leadership.

Fitzgerald: Instead Of Sending More Troops To Afghanistan, What Should Obama Do? - Jihad Watch

Here is a the beginning of this article
from Jihad Watch:

Obama is on the run. He has spent the past year in many separate, long trips all over the place. In Great Britain, he gave Gordon Brown some DVDs and Michele Obama in chummy fashion -- nobody here but us queens -- put her arm on the Queen's shoulder. In Russia, Obama decided to hold a Town Meeting to which both dissidents and members of the government, that is, of the K.G.B., were invited. He thus effectively shut up the dissidents and appalled all Russian liberals, who were distinctly unimpressed with his understanding of their situation.

Obama is a confused, appeasement
driven president unlike any we have
had in this country since Jimmy
'the dhimmi' Carter who is mostly to
blame for what are dealing with now
with radical Islam and Islamofascism.

The leftards and liberal asshats keep
saying this is still Bush's fault. We are
almost one year into the reign of the
mullah Obamaham. What has improved
or changed?  That's right, nothing! This
country is deeply in debt, our enemies
smell blood in the water and can sense
extreme weakness in D.C. What will
Obamaham, the weak and impotent do?

Link is below for the rest of this artcile.


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