
CAIR, Lewiston, Maine School District and Barbies.

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I really recommend you read this
article by D.L. Adams from Stop
Islamization Of America.

I recently posted an article about a Islamic
girl who, with CAIR's help is threatening
to sue the Lewiston, Maine school
district for the right to pray at school,
on school grounds and have a dedicated
prayer room for just those who are 
followers of Islam.


This is a superb follow up read.
It is long so I did not post the entire
article here. This is just some of it.

Islam is a total civilization which includes politics, war, a “legal code” (Sharia) and a religion. Its purpose is to exert control over the totality of the adherent’s life, every aspect of existence is subservient to the demands of Islam. Submission is a key concept in Islam. Adherents of this ideology (of which religion is but a part) must submit to the commands of Allah and the commands and example of Mohammed, Allah’s prophet. Allah is found in the Koran, the commands and example of Mohammed are found in the Sira (Mohammed’s biography) and the Hadith (The “Way of Mohammed”; words and deeds of Mohammed as reported by contemporaries). Mohammed’s words and deeds are called “Sunna”, everything that Mohammed did or said is the “right” thing to do – it doesn’t matter what it was (what we non-Muslims would consider good or bad) it’s all “good”. This is the moral code of Islam – follow the example of Mohammed and the commands of Allah.

The word “Islam” means “submission”; an adherent of the ideology of Islam is “one who submits”. There are many concerns that the West has with Islam most recently violent jihad against non-Muslims by a US Army officer, a devout Muslim. The concept of “submission” is always at the forefront of our relations with Islam both here at home and abroad. Islam requires that everyone, even non-Muslims, submit to Islam and Sharia law.

“Fighting in Allah’s Cause” (jihad) is mentioned almost 150 times in the Koran. This is the process by which adherents of this ideology make the unbelievers submit to Islam. Jihad is a requirement for every adherent, there is no option or “out” or excuse; everyone must participate, this is the command of Allah and Mohammed.

Islam believes that non-belief in Allah and Mohammed is a horrible sin worse even than murder. The mission of Islam is to “cleanse the world” of unbelief and bring the entire world under Islamic control, under Islamic religion and Sharia law. In countries that are not Islamic this process of eliminating the unbelief in the society is done in stages ( Modern Day Trojan Horse: Al-Hijra, The Islamic Doctrine of Immigration, Accepting Freedom or Imposing Islam?).  Constant pressure for concessions and legitimization upon the host society by Islam and its dhimmi apologists is part of this process.

Most recently pressure is being exerted by CAIR on the school department of Lewiston, Maine. It does not matter that almost a month ago several United States Congressmen and women called for an investigation of CAIR.

I really hope you will read the rest.
Education is the key to defeating
any enemy.

Tags: CAIR, Islamic Subversion , America To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!

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