At 5am on 11 November 1918, three German government representatives accepted the Armistice terms presented to them by an allied commander, General Foch of the French Army. The demands of the Armistice included the withdrawal of German forces to the east bank of the Rhine within 30 days; immediate cessation of warfare; and surrender of the German fleet and all heavy guns with no further negotiations until the signing of the peace treaty.
The armistice became effective at 11am the same day, and as the guns fell silent on the Western Front in France and Belgium, four years of hostilities ended.
This day in history is observed differently throughout the world by those countries who fought in World War I.
In America November 11th is known as Veterans Day and we celebrate the service of all of our military veterans. In May we honor those who died while serving. For our allies November 11th it is a day to remember those who died and is known as Armistice Day, or Remembrance Day.
May God bless and keep them all.

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2 Comments - Share Yours!:
At Murrayfield today Scotland were playing the All Blacks; there was a moment's silence and a piper played a lament before the kickoff ..
Thank you Andrea, I posted this over at CBC and on FB page.
Well received and I am taking a bit of time off today, tonight.
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