Michele Bachmann's Reply to Keith Ellison
Gary Fouse
Hat tip Creeping Sharia
Today, you may have heard Senator John McCain speak publicly on behalf of Hillary Clinton's adviser Huma Abedin, the Arab Muslim wife of ex-Congressman Anthony Weiner. McCain feels that members of his own party have unfairly questioned Abedin's loyalty since she reportedly has family members with Muslim Brotherhood connections. This was all prompted by a recent letter to the State Department signed by Michele Bachmann (R-MN) and four other members of Congress concerning Dept. of State contacts with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. The letter can be read here.
In addition, Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison, also a Muslim, has written to Bachmann demanding to know the basis for any accusations against Ms Abedin. The below report is from Creeping Sharia and contains the complete text of Bachmann's reply to Ellison.
First of all, the Bachmann et al letter did not specifically accuse Abedin of anything. It pointed out family connections and questioned the wisdom of giving her a security clearance. It was Ellison who put his own interpretation on it. I personally agree that there is no solid basis for accusing Abedin of any disloyalty. In her reply to Ellison, Bachmann makes clear there is no accusation, only a question as to her security clearance.
Yet, the statements by Bachmann in her reply to Ellison regarding the Muslim Brotherhood have a solid basis for concern.
If you read Bachmann's reply to Ellison, she points out the Brotherhood letter that was seized by the FBI and introduced in the Holy Land Foundation trial in Dallas (2007), in which the role of the Brotherhood in North America is "eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within". (p 2-3) This was the same document that I confronted Brotherhood spokesman Ibrahim El Houdaiby with at UC Irvine in 2008 when he was invited to speak to a UCI class. He claimed the document was a forgery and insisted that the Muslim Brotherhood had no presence in the US-both lies.
Also note the reference to the Islamic Society of North America in Bachmann's letter. The former head of this organization is Imam Muzammil Siddiqi, currently the head of the Islamic Center of Orange County (CA). Siddiqi is the much bally-hooed "bridge builder", who received an award last year from the Orange County Human Relations Commission. Yet, he is one of 100 American Muslim leaders who received-and ignored a 2009 letter from Former Muslims United asking them to sign a pledge that American Muslim apostates should not be harmed. He denied to me having ever received the letter.
In my view, the Bachmann letter to Ellison fully answers his questions. I'm glad that Rep. Bachmann gets it when it comes to the Muslim Brotherhood.
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Giving Congressman Keith Ellison press coverage over his disdain for Michele Bachmann's latest crusade is laughable. Ellison voted to make your industry less competitive with is vote for CAP and Trade! He voted his people the largest tax increase in history with vote for ObamaCare. Ellison does not care about our US Constitution, our ability to compete with China , our staggering debt or national security. He most like agrees with Obama that all businessmen and successful shop owners are blood sucking capitalist who only made it because of big government. God bless Michele Bachmann for questioning the Fort Hood Massacre and Hillary Clinton's , long time aid, Huma Abedin , whose perverted husband, Anthony Weiner, was forced to resign from Congress in disgrace. Huma's ties to radical Muslim relatives has to be fully investigated.
Giving Congressman Keith Ellison press coverage over his disdain for Michele Bachmann's latest crusade is laughable. Ellison voted to make your industry less competitive with is vote for CAP and Trade! He voted his people the largest tax increase in history with vote for ObamaCare. Ellison does not care about our US Constitution, our ability to compete with China , our staggering debt or national security. He most like agrees with Obama that all businessmen and successful shop owners are blood sucking capitalist who only made it because of big government. God bless Michele Bachmann for questioning the Fort Hood Massacre and Hillary Clinton's , long time aid, Huma Abedin , whose perverted husband, Anthony Weiner, was forced to resign from Congress in disgrace. Huma's ties to radical Muslim relatives has to be fully investigated.
From what I've seen Michelle Bachman is an impressive person & that rarity: an intellectually honest politician.
If only we had someone like her over on our side of the pond. The best we can do, apparently, is Messrs. Cameron and Clegg, or as they're sometimes known, Laurel and Hardy.
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