If it talks like a socialist traitor, looks like a commie traitor, then the first muslim, illegal alien potus is a totalitarian traitorous dictator.
Still undecided about who to vote for? Are you sitting on that fence with all the other sheeple who seem to be brainwashed into letting this American hating potus have a second term?
Think about this: what has obama, the traitor and thief, done for you and your family?
I do not have the time tonight to hang out the dirty laundry list of harmful items that obama has committed, that have and will do grievous harm to you, our children and grandchildren.
Here is ONE more reason NOT to vote for the traitor in the White House, just in case you are too ignorant or brainwashed to figure out how evil obama truly is. Or may be you had not heard anything about this evil agenda, pushed by the united nations.
Yes the un, that black hole that sucks billions of our tax dollars to be frittered away to 'help' the global community. 'Help' like making any truthful and negative comments about islam be punishable according to the un, it's muslim overlords who have infiltrated this useless organization at the highest levels.
It is way past time for the United States to get out of the un, kick the un out of our country, put AMERICA and AMERICANS first, period.
It is way past time for the United States to get out of the un, kick the un out of our country, put AMERICA and AMERICANS first, period.
It is called Agenda 21 or was. Now it is has been renamed because Agenda 21 became such a poisonous name and problem. Now this is called The Global Biodiversity Assessment.
"This is the odious Agenda 21, pure and simple. Renamed because of its
bad press, Agenda 21 wants Americans off their lands, off of their
private property, and into government-controlled cluster housing near
designated urban areas, controlled by on/off mechanical arms reading
your GPS location to determine if you can enter an interstate or not.
That is, if you are too far from your designated interstate point of
entry, the government’s mechanical arms will deny you access to travel
on American highways. But don’t fall into the globalist spin doctors’
trap because they have taken the word RESTORE, a word that usually
carries good connotations, to weave a cleverly crafted Forest Service
bulletin that conceals what is really going on."
They want our guns, they want our land, they want our resources, they want our private property and now they are after our WATER.
Read the rest below and then make sure you follow through and make your opinion and voices be heard. Storm clouds are on the horizon and they will try to take the rain that falls from those clouds as well.
The time for sniveling and whining is long past . We approach midnight and it is now up to us.
Is Obama’s federal government getting ready to put a huge red X mark on the Hoover Dam, which supplies most of the American West with its life-sustaining water? Having this scenario play out is quite plausible as Barack Obama’s Executive Order # 13547 in support of the global Law of the Sea Treaty (L.O.S.T.) seeks to take control of our water in any form of precipitation, from sky to ocean! Total water control will give the American president and his global cohorts total control of all U.S. citizens if this initiative is not stopped by still-free citizens. Because the Water World enthusiasts are seeking to protect the earth’s water from contamination, they are jiggering U.S. water laws to conform to Obama’s Council on Interagency Ocean Policy to make sure no contamination happens.
Especially riled up are Americans west of the Mississippi because Chapter 13 of the Global Biodiversity Assessment is demanding that a staggering 50% of all U.S. land mass be blocked from any type of productive usage. This literally would be putting our Western States under United Nations domination by prohibiting any mining, drilling, harvesting of timber, or construction of any buildings made by humans. Not only that; all of our large hoofed, ungulate animals, meaning domestic livestock, are being deemed unsustainable!
Warning: this action is being fast-tracked so that the government can “sustain the health, diversity and productivity of the nation’s forests and grasslands,” under the definition of the UN Sustainable Development program-Bulletin Release No. 0191.12. This is the odious Agenda 21, pure and simple. Renamed because of its bad press, Agenda 21 wants Americans off their lands, off of their private property, and into government-controlled cluster housing near designated urban areas, controlled by on/off mechanical arms reading your GPS location to determine if you can enter an interstate or not.
That is, if you are too far from your designated interstate point of entry, the government’s mechanical arms will deny you access to travel on American highways. But don’t fall into the globalist spin doctors’ trap because they have taken the word RESTORE, a word that usually carries good connotations, to weave a cleverly crafted Forest Service bulletin that conceals what is really going on. To oppose what they want to do, you have to OPPOSE the following:
Restore the flow of waters into natural channels and flood plains by removing, replacing or modifying water control structures;
Restore lands and habitat to pre-disturbance conditions by removing debris and sediment conditions following natural or human caused events;
Restore, rehabilitate or stabilize lands occupied by non-National Forest System roads and trails to a more natural condition.
You also need to oppose any attempts to remove hoofed animals from America!
So the comment period for this outrage closes on August 13, 2012. Comments from ordinary citizens all over the United States must be received by that date. Submitting comments online, by mail, or by fax must be sent well ahead of that date. Call toll free 800-877-8339. Email http://www.fs.fed.us/contactus . Write directly to Chief Tom Tidwell, US Forest Service, 1400 Independence Ave., Washington, DC 20250-0003. You also need to call toll free your Congressional officials at 1-877-762-8762!
Original source is here.
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