
Of Feminism and the Hateful Left

It is not unknown that most, if not all the various organizations and groups on the left, preach to us under the pretense of enlightened, progressive thinking. But dig deep enough, and under this veneer of care, there's not much but good old fashioned hate.
Whether it is environmentalists hating prosperity, technology, modern life, or even humanity itself; 'peace' activists who hate America and Israel more than even the terrorists they enable; or 'civil rights' advocates who hate whites with such intensity, that they put the KKK to deep shame.

Likewise, Fakeminism is more about the hate of men than love for women, or any form of love at all (except the love of hate). Its main contribution, after decades of relentless pursuit of the other gender, is to weaken the bonds that existed between men and women, to the point where stable, lasting relationships are rarer than quality products in a Chinese market. As families crumble to dust over the slightest difficulty, children ultimately pay the price, and a new generation is created, whose members have absolutely no idea how to care for someone other than themselves.
In the name of "Women's liberation", the raging females of the extreme left spectrum have inflicted this harm upon the fabric of society, with reckless disregard to the consequences - and it is no coincidence that this is the case.
Fakeminism, like many other leftist movements, is revolutionary, which means it promotes the disruption and destruction of the 'old order' for its own sake, under the childish, fictitious belief that a better society will rise from the ashes. In the belief system of Fakeminists, the class-warfare of Marxism is dressed up as gender-warfare: women serve as the proletariat - the eternal, helpless victim, that needs to be saved; and men are the capitalist pigs who oppress them.
Just like Marxism, this world-view promotes an eternal struggle, not reconcilement and reforms that lead to a truly better future.
The movement that advocates it, accordingly, has nothing to do with equality, or morality. Its sole purpose is to win privileges for women that feel entitled, and oppress men wherever it can.
Any woman that allows her mind to be shaped by this twisted ideology is causing damage to herself, and her surrounding, for when she adopts a world-view that endorses hate, and promotes conflict, she is bound to experience them constantly throughout her life, while missing on the simple fact that men and women are not enemies - the are partners in creation.

It is difficult to measure directly the effect that the Fakeminist propaganda has had on divorce rates, failed relationships, and the fragile mind of children, yet it is clearly felt. In Israel, where it was introduced during the eighties, the effect had been profound, since it infiltrated the mnds of almost all educated women. Ask any men who is old enough to remember the earlier years, and he will tell you there is no doubt that women as a whole changed because of it. The result? Anyone who doesn't wish to live with a slave-master at home, which acts to him with less respect than any boss at work, has to look for a woman that was not corrupted by the brainwashing machine of the education system, and popular media. Usually, that means searching abroad, preferably in places that the long, frigid hand of Fakeminism didn't grab so tightly yet.
Take it from yours truly, Israeli women are some of the most arrogant females on the planet, yet their quality as partners and spouses resemble the trinkets this country sales to tourists: cheap products, for a ridiculous price.
They spend most of their teens and twenties acting like the spoiled daughters of emperors, truly believing they are some kind of superior race, thanks to the crap they hear on television and the radio, or read in magazines and online. Much of that 'cosmo' stuff comes from America, but is repeated here with further extremity, like the reverberating echo in an acoustic room, until it becomes more and more powerful.
It is further enforced by the constant attention they get from men, who are brainwashed to chase after sex with every breath they take.
Then, as their looks began to fade, they remain with an empty, unpleasant character, and no one who cares one bit about them. What is left then, for a child who cannot admit her mistakes, to do?
That's right - blame men, and act like a victim, while she desperately tries to fight time, and maintain her looks.
For how long? And for what purpose? Will the empty life-style become any less empty if you are a sixty year old, with rock-hard abs and perky breasts?

Through biased grades and curriculum, the un-education system has been telling young girls for years that they are A-Ok, no matter what their actual performance may be, but it is my wish to see them challenged instead. They should be taught to both question, and improve themselves. Failure should be a real option, and overcoming challenges should build actual character.
Sure, it is easier to aspire to be nothing more than pretty, empty shells; or become resentful, angry juveniles, who wish to be pretty, empty shells, but a society that raises its daughters in such manners is heading straight down a steep cliff. A cliff filled with the sharp rocks of broken relationships, dysfunctional families, ugly divorces, and low birth rates. Such a society cannot stand for long, and deserves to be scorned - yes, even by barbaric muslims.

This is the society we live in today, in no small thanks to the effect of Fakeminism, which harms both men and women with its hateful, selfish agenda. If we are to overcome it, then we must strive to abolish this ridiculous concept of 'the battle of the sexes', and promote instead the value of love between the genders - a partnership, a coalition of men and women, working together to achieve common goals.

3 Comments - Share Yours!:

Anonymous said...

The chicks in the gold helmets are HAWT!

PatriotUSA said...

Thanks Fred!!! Appreciate you stopping in!

PatriotUSA said...

Great article HL. Please check out what I have posted by Paul Ibbetson.