
The Daily Catch Videos for 6-24-2011: Ezra Levant with Geert Wilders, Hizb ut Tahrir, Approved wife beating islamic style and more...

Maybe I should change this to 'The Catch'? No, it just does not sound right and I do my best. This is the last week in the fiscal year and I am so thankful for this. Maybe we will have some answers, good or bad either way, where I am employed.

Enjoy the catch!


The Daily Catch Videos for 6-24-2011:

This is just one limit and maybe another will follow late tonight!

Hizb ut Tahrir wants to establish a global caliphate ruled by Islamic sharia law, and one of the slogans they are using this year is, “victory is near, THE TIME IS NOW!!!”

Approved wife beating: sanctioned by islam and sharia law

Pat Condell on liberals and libtards

Ezra Levant on Geert Wilders' acquital

Michele Bachmann: Update on Israel

Allen West on the the so called 'palestinians and their lust for stealing land for a state from the Jews. They are FAKESTINIANS and nothing more!

JDL attacked in France by leftists and Muslims(Vlad Tepes)

GW believer(MORON) wants to go after those of us who are deniers about GW

Libtards, commies, socialists and progressives on parade. Joining Van Jone's party!

The taqiyya version of jihad: Peaceful? Nothing but a lie.

Here is the real jihad talk when it is muslims to muslim speaking with each other:

Why muslims are disliked so strongly in Belgium:

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