
Pastor Jones coming to Dearbornistan and muslims are upset

I got called in to work on Monday so I did not have the time I wanted for some posts. I usually do not work on Monday's.

Like him or not, approve of him or not, what he has done or said, Pastor Terry Jones is planning to come to Dearbornistan, Michigan "to come to Dearborn this Friday with others to protest against sharia and jihad, Islamic ideas that he said threaten the U.S."

Sounds all right to me and this is his Constitutional right but since when do muslims, islam or those in Deabornistan care about following our Constitution or allowing opposing views to be heard on islam and sharia law? Those who are trying to stop Jones are obviously afraid the muslims will resort to the tactics they always do in these situations; violence and using any and all means to stop Jones and his message about the truth of islam.

Are we going the way of Britainistan, becoming like Europistan? Sure seems to be headed this way but it is up to us to stop islam and sharia law. However and wherever we can. We owe it to our children, at the very least.


Prosecutors Seek to Stop Rally by Florida Pastor Outside Dearborn Mosque
By Christopher Logan

Running like scared children Michigan prosecutors are trying to infringe on Pastor Jones’ right to assemble. All because they are afraid the the violent aspect of Islam will come to Dearborn. Instead of handing another victory to Islam by bowing down to a religion that calls for our dominance, how about they support our freedoms and provide Pastor Jones with police protection? Unfortunately we are going down the same road as the UK my friends.

Prosecutors Seek to Stop Rally Outside Dearborn Mosque by Florida Pastor

Concerned about a potential outbreak of violence, Wayne County prosecutors have filed a complaint in court that seeks to compel Florida pastor Terry Jones — who oversaw the burning of a Quran last month — not to rally outside an Islamic center in Dearborn this week.

Jones told the Free Press he intends to come to Dearborn this Friday with others to protest against sharia and jihad, Islamic ideas that he said threaten the U.S.

But Dearborn police and Wayne County prosecutors are trying to convince him that showing up at the Islamic Center of America would endanger his life and public peace. In the court filing, prosecutors and Dearborn police note that Jones has received numerous death threats and a $1.2 million bounty on his head by leaders of Jamaat-ud Dawa, a cover organization for the Pakistan-based terrorist organization Lashkar-e-Tayyiba.

Filed Friday in 19th district court in Dearborn, prosecutors say that if Jones shows up outside the center, “the greatest danger is the likelihood of a riot ensuing complete with the discharge of firearms.”

The court action, considered rare, is called in the filing a “verified complaint to institute proceedings to prevent crime.”

Dearborn and Wayne County authorities also note that Friday happens to be Good Friday and that the Islamic Center is next to several churches. And so if Jones and his followers were to protest, they argue, it could create enormous problems for Christian worshippers to enter and leave the churches for Good Friday services.

A spokesperson for Terry Jones was not immediately available to comment today, but Jones has told the Free Press he wants to come to Dearborn to help preserve the U.S. Constitution and ensure that Islam does not dominate non-Muslims.

Also today, a group of religious leaders, Christian and Muslim, gathered at Greater Mt. Tabor Baptist Church in Detroit, to ask Jones not to visit Dearborn.

“He’s an impostor of the Christian religion,” said Rev. Charles E. Williams, pastor of the Historic King Solomon Baptist Church in Detroit.

Hey Reverend, would there be a threat of violence if there was a protest outside of your Church? Wake up and see what is going on here.

3 Comments - Share Yours!:

Always On Watch said...

I'm no fan of Terry Jones. However, his "stunts" are showing up Muslims for what they are: proponents of Islamic supremacy.

Wayne C. Church, CPP said...

If Pastor Williams is a friend to Muslimism, he is not a biblical scholar and he is not a follower of Jesus. Ishmael and Hagar were removed form Abraham's household, never to return.

Findalis said...

Funny how one man can scare the heck out of Muslims.

I hope Rev. Jones shows up and gives them a good talking to.