
Daily Catch Videos for 4-19-2011: Europe's darkest hour and Triumph of Human Spirit

'We will not surrender!'

Flame & Citron Trailer HD

Ann Barnhardt and the Main Event

Hassan al-Bannas Brother Lashes Out at Muslim Burka and Backwardness

Hizb Ut-Tahir’s Uthman Badar on Australian TV

L.A. Food trucks feel pinch of high gasoline prices

From American Power

In case you missed it, I reference McCrystal here: "Patterson School of Diplomacy, University of Kentucky, Screens Steven Soderbergh's Che to Commemorate Fiftieth Anniversary of Bay of Pigs." (And the reaction in the comments is precious.)

And here's this from New York Times, "Pentagon Inquiry Into Article Clears McChrystal and Aides":

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