
Muslim World Music Day-April 12, 2011

This is from the Constitution Club. If you have never checked this site, please do so. They just went over one million visitors. This site has a very good mix of mostly conservative writers. If you are interested in writing for a blog, the CC is currently seeking new authors and no experience is necessary. I would do so but I just do not have the time. Many, many people have asked me over the years to do so and I am always amazed by that. Maybe some day down the road but for now the mission is clear and it is about islam, sharia law, exposing this horrid political, ideological enslavement for what it truly is.

muslim world music day. Yeah, right. I am thinking no. This will trigger thousands of migraine headaches around the globe, or worse.

Maybe it will result in a global reduction of the 1.6 billion muslims in the world. And no, I make NO apologies for saying that. I am sick and tired of islam, the way it is being spread around like it is a peaceful religion, ideologyform of slavery that results in the death of individual freedom and liberty to all who come in contact with this perverse ideology.


Muslim World Music Day-April 12, 2011
By a west texas view

For twenty-four hours on April 12, 2011 an important and massive effort will be made to record approximately 50,000 recordings of Muslim music. That God (Jewish/Christian) given instinct moving within the human breast that swells to make us categorize and organize has bitten the folk at cseashawaii.com to do this earth shaking endeavor. Other than the fact this is a true oxymoron with a high potential for irony, I don’t believe it possesses much musical merit.

Let’s see, Muslim music. What saith Allah? “References within the context of the Holy (?) Qur’aan along with the Hadith of the Prophet confirm that music is ‘haraam.’” Thus saith http://www.inter-islam.org/Prohibitions/Mansy_music.htm. Interpreters of the Qur’aan say the term ‘lahwal hadith’ is defined as 1. singing and listening to songs, 2. purchasing of male and female singers, 3. purchase of instruments of fun and amusement. To understand this, the effect of music will have to be considered. Music can affect the brain, make the body move, increase heart rate (especially rock music) and affect’s emotion with arousal and excitement. “We find that the whole world is obsessed with the kufr idea of freedom, i.e. freedom of speech, freedom of movement, etc…..This idea of freedom, ‘It’s my life, I’ll do what I want.’ is a predominant underlying theme of today’s music. It is being used as a means for drilling those modern ideologies that are totally contrary to Islamic Sharia and values, into the minds of Muslims.” Wow. “One should abstain from evil audacities such as listening to music and encourage others to do the same too.”

Yeah, that very freedom idea, “I can do what I want” had an adverse affect for two high school daughters of a Muslim taxi driver. He picked them up one evening from their home and took them to an isolated area, killed both with a pistol, and then disappeared. I worry about the Muslims doing this 24 hour recording. I mean, 24 hours of it with Muslims from all over the world. Country western singer and songwriter Kareem Sulama’s (He’s from Tulsa, Oklahoma. He’s the poster boy of the U.S. State Department’s brochure on Muslim’s in America) music thrown in might make the Muslims doing the great effort depressed and discouraged, especially if they don’t get it all done. They might go home and do an honor killing by beheading their wives like the moderate Muslim television producer in New York did. Hopefully, none of their wives will be in the process of divorcing them.

Abu Hanecfah’s point of view of Qu’an teaching is that listening to music is fisq (rebellion, evildoing) and enjoying it is kufn (unbelief). Please don’t think I’m making fun of this. This is serious doodoo. Somalian radical Muslims have declared music “unIslamic.” Music is no longer played by any TV and radio stations in Somalia. They even cut it out of commercials.

Bilal Philips who became a recognized rock guitarist and after moving to Malaysia became known as the Jim Hendrix of Sabah. After becoming a Muslim in 1972, he hung up the guitar and gave up rock music. He lives in Qatar. His book Contemporary Issues teaches against western music in a Muslim’s life. He also lectures about this.

If the Western cultures really want to change Islam, convert Muslims, or fight a possible bloodless revolution, use television programing and music. Let the youth of Islam hear and see how the other cultures live. Embed that deep notion that maybe, just maybe, the Western culture is better. A taste of freedom is overwhelming to the senses. We will want more.

A reason given for establishing 4 shbab channel (an antidote to mainstream TV channels): “We give our kids the shadow of holiness because this is basic in our culture and religion,” said Abu Heiha. “But, when our kids are exposed to this (un-Islamic) media, it is totally different, they don’t feel like they belong to this culture any more….their passions are divided.”

About a west texas view
Being pure Texan, James Tuggle,traces his families to the colonial times and later helping settle west Texas in 1853. Growing up in the desert part of west Texas give one a sense of openness and freedom. In the desert, nothing on the surface is hidden. He earned his high school diploma in Kermit. He received a BS from Abilene Christian Univerity and DDS from UT Dental Branch in Houston. He has had a wide variety of experiences in life. Having a fondness for history allows him an insight to the world. View all posts by a west texas view →

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