
It's official: wind farms are totally useless

Most who wander in to Patriot's Corner soon discover that when I dislike something, someone, whatever(and I dislike a lot of things, including myself at times)I will attack it and keep attacking the subject, person relentlessly. Which brings us to this next post about one of my favorite topics to slam, those environmentally friendly forms of alternative energy. I dislike them all and think they all need to take a back seat or be done away with for good. Take wind farms for example; they are noisy, killing countless numbers of birds, are ugly and not very efficient. The only 'green' forms of energy I like or embrace is solar power and hydroelectric power.

Just for the record for any tree huggers or earth muffins that may wander in here: I like oil, I like coal, I like natural gas, I like biomass produced power, I like solar power, I like dams and hydroelectric power, I still like NUCLEAR power. We have a lot of these resources and we should use them all until we get to the point where said 'green energy' sources are a lot less expensive for average person. Don't like the above? You know where the door is, so use it and get out.

Another great article from the Constitution Club.

Official: wind farms are totally useless
By Hal Jordan

That’s actually a quote from the article entitled “Wind farm efficiency queried by John Muir Trust study.” I think it makes a better title than the original, though. Executive summary:

Wind farms are much less efficient than claimed, producing below 10% of capacity for more than a third of the time, according to a new report.

The analysis also suggested output was low during the times of highest demand.

The report, supported by conservation charity the John Muir Trust, concluded turbines “cannot be relied upon” to produce significant levels of power generation.

However, industry representatives said they had “no confidence” in the data.

The research, carried out by Stuart Young Consulting, analysed electricity generated from UK wind farms between November 2008 to December 2010

Statements made by the wind industry and government agencies commonly assert that wind turbines will generate on average 30% of their rated capacity over a year, it said.

But the research found wind generation was below 20% of capacity more than half the time and below 10% of capacity over one third of the time.

So next time an environmental activist says “Wind! Solar! Renewable energy! Yes we can!” just tell him that no we can’t.

Here’s a nice post about wind turbines around Palm Springs and elsewhere and why they don’t work very well. Here’s a YouTube video where you can see many out of commission wind generators. Here’s another one. Imagine living in the neighborhood of this mess. No thank you. 

About Hal Jordan:

I saw the post at Free Republic and poked at it cautiously with a stick. There was a period of unconsciousness, and I awoke to find myself chained to this writing desk with a quill pen taped to my hand and a stack of blank paper on the tabletop. The sign on the wall says “KEEP WRITING AND NO ONE GETS HURT.”

Just kidding, of course. I’m a conservative Arizonan, proud of my state, its Legislature, and its Governor. I’m a law enforcement volunteer for America’s Toughest Sheriff, and happily employed at America’s largest nuclear power plant. Back in the Cold War days I was a crewman on a fast attack nuclear submarine, and later worked at the Hanford site in eastern Washington making plutonium for nuclear weapons. There are many stories to be told, almost all of which are completely truthful (as in “Now you’re not gonna believe it, but this really happened…”). In the meantime I hope to liven up the place a little by posting various interesting topics to further the cause of conservatism in this, The Greatest Nation on God’s Green Earth.

1 Comments - Share Yours!:

Findalis said...

Actually when used with other forms of generators, wind power will work well. It is when you use it only or as the primary generator of power that problems arise.