
From inside Israel

This is Jerry Golden's latest report. This will show you, if you do not already know, about how Turkey, Syria and Iran are doing all they can to bring war upon Israel. What stand out most in this article is two things. First, the Chinese made C704 Silkworm anti-ship missiles that were found and Two, egypt is now totally removed from helping keep the region stable. In fact one can now expect egypt to be assisting hamas all they can.


Some Facts You Might Not Hear in the News...
By Jerry Golden

Like many reading this, I've been watching the news on the Libyan civil war going on, and what I find amazing is how the world's media have used their "spin" to promote this so-called "drive for democracy" in the Middle East. Maybe I should start this article by asking the question: what is a "democracy"? My short answer is that the majority of the voting public get their own way. When you have a majority who want Sharia Law under the control of Islamic Imams, then their understanding of a "democracy" has no resemblance to a Republic or what the western mind-set believes to be a Democracy. It simply means that the Islamic vote won the day, and now terrorism around the world will become much worse.

We here in Israel listened to all the hype coming out of the White House demanding that Mubarak step down to allow the so-called freedom fighters to have their way - yet these freedom fighters for the most part were, and are, the Muslim Brotherhood. The fact that Mubarak was a friend to the US for decades didn't mean a thing. Do I think Mubarak was a good man or a good leader for Egypt? NO, he was a cold-blooded monster, but he held the peace together between the Arab World and Israel. He danced to the music that came out of the White House, only to find that all his dancing and order-taking brought him face to face with the "one" promoting Islam around the world. Because he received no support from the US in his fight for survival he was forced out, and today we are watching Islamic terrorists take over in Egypt. But the American "News Machine" is still claiming that the freedom fighters for "democracy" in Egypt won - thanks to the support of Obama.

As for Qaddafi in Libya, what can be said except that he is insane, a murderer and a known terrorist. He has killed many and American and Israelis are among that number. But for the Islamic terrorists throughout the Middle East he wasn't anti-American or anti-Israel enough! Therefore they want him removed, just as they did Mubarak. You see, leaders like Mubarak and Qaddafi are standing in the way of the Islamic Caliphate (Islamic World Dominance under Sharia Law). We are watching the same scenario playing out in Syria, Jordan and now Saudi Arabia. In fact we are watching Saudi Arabia come to arrest the Islamic uprising in Bahrain because they know it would be best to stop it before it came home to them in Saudi Arabia.
As for Turkey it is hard to understand just what is going on there. They force an Iranian cargo plane to land for inspection in Turkey and then let it continue - not disclosing what its cargo was. Then we find that a 179 Meter (590.7 Feet) cargo ship. the "Victoria", flying the Liberian flag, made a stopover in Mersin Turkey then leaving there for its destination; Alexandria in Egypt. Israeli Intelligence also knew that this ship picked up cargo in Latakia, Syria, which is also home to the newly built Russian Naval Base. The same base that the two Iranian ships, one a Frigate and the other a supply ship, recently sailed to. It was thought then that what had taken place was a large arms delivery to Syria from Iran - but this time escorted by an armed battleship. It is now believed that those same arms were picked up by the Victoria which was later seized and boarded by the Israeli navy. She was found to be loaded with mortars, missiles, shells and ammunition. Amongst the cargo were found Chinese anti-ship missiles, known as the C704, a very high tech and deadly weapon guided by British manufactured radar to target them against the Israeli navy. The final destination for this load of weapons was Hamas in Gaza. The two Iranian ships were unable to unload the cargo in Egypt. So they took them to Syria and then made a stopover in Turkey to throw the Israelis off their trail. From Egypt the route into Gaza was to be through the Sinai Desert and then smuggled through tunnels into the strip.

The bottom line is that there is a major escalation in arms smuggling to Hezbollah and Hamas from Iran and Russia. You don't have to be a genius to know what they are planning to do - and soon. I am sure there are some major surprises in store for the world as man plans to destroy himself. Yet God has a better plan, and we don't have a long wait to see things happen.

Each of us must stop and listen to the Ruach Hakoddesh (Holy Spirit) allowing God to speak into our souls and spirit for the key word for each of us will be "priorities". What are your priorities? Many need to make some serious adjustments - for when all is said and done your only real responsibility to God is your own soul's salvation. For as important as it is to love and minister to others, even that is only a by-product for the one who has their priorities in proper order with God. So it must be first things first, and God is, and must always be, first.

As important as is this ministry that God has called us to here in Israel, and this region, our first responsibility is to keep things straight between us and God through the salvation that comes through a personal relationship with Yeshua.

This world is about to become completely insane, and the only hope we will have is in God, and the only peace we will find within ourselves is in God. Your relationship with others depends on that relationship with God. Our success in saving Jewish lives depends as much on your relationship with God as it does ours. God has called each of us to this Ministry and so much depends on all of our obedience.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, for our son Joel and all the IDF soldiers. Pray for this Ministry and your part in it.

Shalom, Jerry Golden

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