And while our trusty 'Captain Hindsight' did a great job of finding all the things that could've been done, the media was also very adamant in not pointing out what actually happened. The fire was branded a mysterious natural disaster, despite the fact that, while uncharacteristically dry, this was at most a mildly warm December day, or a possible 'negligence' - the euphemism for Arson attacks by Arabs, which have become a daily business in the region.
Even when the great fire was burning strong, police had arrested two Arab arsonists, equipped with fire bombs. They weren't the only one - during the four days of the fire, Dozens of deliberately set fires have been recorded across Israel. In one word - copycats: lacking much creativity, jihadists are quick to identify a weakness in an enemy, and repeatedly strike at it.
Large scale fires recently consumed 5,000 acres in the Golan Heights; a fire was set in the Gilad Farm several weeks ago and an Arab was seen fleeing by a group of soldiers in the area; and the list goes on and on.
It is disgusting enough to think that the touted 'natives of the land', the fabricated equivalent of the pre-European Americans, are actually keen on burning every tree in Israel to the ground as part of their murderous campaign of hate, while the Israelis were the ones to plant forests for more than a century, without even mentioning how Jews in Judea and Samaria are vilified for chopping down olive trees (sometimes by leftists in disguise).
PatriotUSA will hopefully forgive me for acting like a tree-hugger, but every time I hear about deliberate arsons on part of arabs, I am filled with rage. Only monsters destroy nature in such way to satisfy their hatred, and instead of proper punishment - or at least ignoring the damages these monsters have brought on their own kind, the apologetic bureaucracy that passes for leadership around these parts is going to compensate them.
Many of these deliberate arsons are stopped on the spot by a grass-roots organization of volunteers called HaShomer HaChadash (the New Guardian), which, unlike the Israeli Knesset members, who prefer to take numerous trips to Europe on the expense of the tax-payer, believe that we should act like we own the land. Israeli farmers, just like their predecessors from the times of the English mandate, and the Turkish rule, suffer from raids and incursions by Arabs. The traditional Guardian organization was formed to protect the farms, the rural areas, the front of the nation, because truly, when someone doesn't feel safe in his own home, the terrorists have won.
I will write more of the issue if there will be any developments, but frankly, it's doubtful that any information about the likely arsonists (and I'm willing to bet on that assumption) will be publicized. It's simply not very good PR to knowledge the plain, simple truth - that the 'Israeli Arab' is nothing but a farcical whim of socialists who believed, in their hubris, that they could 'fix' the enemy into joining with us.
In the meanwhile, we can all take comfort knowing that the non-racist 'arab miss Israel' contest, is taking place (big surprise) in turkey, the now islamic controlled country that's working along with iran and syria to murder Israelis and wipe their one tiny state off the map. Sorry, guys, no pics on the net yet, but it's really not the girls' fault they're being exploited for political reasons. They just want to make it big in the meat market, and honestly, could there be a more noble cause for a woman?
I would like to close with a quote from a lament by the late Rabbi Meir Kahane, about his lost trees: "Will we plant 110 million trees the next time? And why should Jews have to pay again and again for trees that Arabs burn? Why not throw them out of the country? Why do we allow them to stay in the country if we know that they will burn our forests?"
Tags: Arab-Israeli History, Israel To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
1 Comments - Share Yours!:
"Will we plant 110 million trees the next time? And why should Jews have to pay again and again for trees that Arabs burn? Why not throw them out of the country? Why do we allow them to stay in the country if we know that they will burn our forests?"
Indeed and I forgive for the tree
hugger stance and quite agree with you on this. It is disgusting and a tactic the arabs
have used before and will use again. This is wanton, useless destruction of priceless trees in an arid region of the world. Many
of these trees were planted in
memory of a lost loved one or just
because the people of Israel know
that trees are a resource and bring beauty to our world. Some of the best "tree huggers" I had the pleasure of knowing were loggers, tree farmers and the old 'hoe dads' I worked with many years ago. I did a post on them earlier this year in an indirect sort of way.
I really love trees and have planted many of them in
my lifetime. Some as part of a
massive reforestation project,
or along streams to provide shade,
erosion control and increase
habitat. Plus the ones I have
planted on properties I have owned.
Please be sure to post any updates
as many would like to be kept
informed if at all possible.
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