
Our readily available weaponry amazes visitor from South Africa

Jan Lamprecht was here on holiday from South Africa in October and had this to say about great supply of weapons that one can purchase 'legally' here in the United States, for now. I have posted his entire opinion from Africancrisis and it is quite an eye opener. obama, the first muslim potus, an islamosympathizer and Hilary Clinton want to let the United Nations have a 'say' in our gun laws and rip the 2nd amendment right out of the our Constitution. What we might end up with is similar to what South Africa has for gun laws, or worse. Do not take our 2nd amendment right for granted or think they are set in stone for eternity. The 'darkside', the likes of liberal progressive Mayor Bloomberg and his ilk want to strip us of our gun rights and will NEVER stop trying. Be vigilant, aware, become an activist and always be 'locked and loaded.'

My Trip to America - The INCREDIBLE Infantry weapons that the average American Citizen can buy cheaply - American Gun Laws ROCK!!!
By Jan Lamprecht

I was in the USA visiting a friend. Oh, said my friend, I have a little something to show you. I have always wanted to buy myself a little rifle.

So my friend then walked and got a plastic case which clearly contained a rifle.

I thought to myself, I am going to see a bolt-action hunting rifle. Ho hum... YAWN...

When my friend opened up the case, my eyes nearly popped out of my head!! My jaw nearly hit the floor.

Before me was a gorgeous rifle... but it was no bolt-action hunting rifle. I was looking at a military weapon. This thing looked like a standard issue military rifle, except it was black and the barrel was silver (not good for a war situation since its reflective). This "little rifle" was, by the way: A SEMI-AUTOMATIC... with a magazine with 50 rounds! What!?!?!? I couldn't believe my eyes.

I looked at it... it left me amazed.

And the price? A mere pittance... $300 (R2,100). No way!!!

I asked my friend: Are you serious? Is this semi-automatic?

That would be TOTALLY ILLEGAL in South Africa. I mean: TOTALLY ILLEGAL. They would throw you into jail for YEARS (for longer than any ANC official on corruption charges)... for owning such a thing... if you could lay your hands on it!!

Weapons like that can only be owned by security companies, and then only, with a *LOT* of licensing and lots of rules and regulations around it. You can NEVER own such a thing in SA as a private citizen.

And if you did want to own one as a gun collector, you would probably have to get a gunsmith to make changes to it so that it is NOT semi-automatic.

In South Africa, weapons like this can only be owned by:-
o The army
o The Police
o Security companies
o And of course, the black criminals have millions of them.

Legal gun owners? NEVER! You could NEVER own that...

I could have cried when I saw it.

Another friend of mine in the USA sleeps with an AK47 under his bed. Shall I repeat that? Let me say it again: Another friend of mine in the USA sleeps with a semi-automatic (perhaps a fully automatic - I've not asked him) AK47 under his bed!!!

Again, in South Africa, only black criminals get to have things like that. All the rest of us honest people have to stand there with a 9mm pistol or a revolver or a bolt-action hunting rifle/shotgun... versus them and their AK47s!!!

But I would never suggest to anyone to try to procure weapons like this from the USA. In the USA, the systems work well... and honesty is the only policy.

But yeah... if you are an American citizen, you have access to weaponry the likes of which people in other countries can only dream of.

I have heard that there are MILLIONS of such firearms in America. It is very possible that the citizens of the USA have more firearms and better firearms at their disposal than most of the armies of the world. It is possible that the "American citizen army" if we could call them that, are bigger than the Russian Army, the Chinese Army and the US Army all put together - in terms of strict infantry weapons.

In South Africa you are legally only allowed to have a maximum of 200 rounds. My one friend in the USA confessed to having thousands of rounds!!!

Sigh! Its all too sad.

I really think that we in SA should go absolutely wild with respect to gun laws and having our rights INCREASED so that we can own more firearms, better firearms and MORE ROUNDS. I think the crime in this country, and its extremely violent nature more than justifies this. Really, we should agitate for increased rights. If they can do that in America, and America is a pretty peaceful society, then we definitely NEED IT.

Let me tell you this: Americans like to export "their violent culture". You see it in the movies, you see it in all sorts of depictions of America. You get this sense that AMERICANS ARE VIOLENT PEOPLE. That is complete and utter BULL. That is so sensationalised beyond belief. Americans are actually a very CIVILISED, VERY LAW ABIDING, VERY PEACEFUL PEOPLE. They are VERY LAW ABIDING.

They own these weapons, not because they are violent insane people. They own these weapons in a quiet society, where crime is a tiny fraction of ours, and where they themselves have access to lots of weapons they could go quite mad with... and yet... THEY DO HARDLY ANYTHING ILLEGAL WITH IT!

American society, as sensationalised, in the past and in the present, by Hollywood, bears NO RESEMBLANCE WHATSOEVER TO ACTUAL AMERICANS. Americans are VERY LAW ABIDING in ALL WAYS. They are not, by their nature violent, nor do they tend towards violence.

The picture we have of America, by way of the movies, is highly skewed and it is only done in order to get something exciting to sell to the world. Americans are quite dull and law abiding really. Modern day Africa, by comparison is wilder probably than the Wild West was.

Americans don't have fences around their properties... they mostly don't know what a burglar bar is like... and I think only one of the people I visited actually had an alarm system, and he was the one who lived in a city. Everyone else was very nonchalant. Heck, locking a door was the most "security" I saw... and some, don't even do that! I walk around with a huge bunch of keys all the time and I lock everything, all the time. American society is very, very quiet... even boringly dull perhaps... it is so safe.

I'd guess that the worst crime and violence might only be in the largest cities... and even there, on a per capita basis, it would be like a dull sunday afternoon in a South African town.

Posted By: Jan
AfricanCrisis Webmaster
Author of: Government by Deception

Original article is here.

Tags: 1st amendment, 2nd amendment, USA , South Africa, Contrasting gun ownership, laws To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!

2 Comments - Share Yours!:

HermitLion said...

You know, we could really use a guest commentator from South Africa. I'm guessing the guy who wrote this was white, and I do know that whites are suffering from murderous racism in South Africa, so getting their point of view might help.

Sure, it's a risk of being affiliated with white supremacists, but I have a soft spot for people that Liberals want to kick out of their homes for 'imperialism'.

Findalis said...

During WW 2 there was a movement in Japan to invade the US. Tojo himself replied to this: "If we attack the United States we will find a gun behind every blade of grass."

He knew the strength of the citizen gun owner.