
Can you help Christopher from Loganswarning? Please read this!

I am re-posting this right from Loganswarning to help spread the word about what Chris is doing. If at all possible, please help Chris out. Chris is one of the most
passionate and knowledgeable people out there when it comes to islam and sharia law. As Chris states this is "for the sake of our families future generations we have no choice but to fight back."

"Recently I have started doing my own reporting by exposing Sharia Mosques in America, and by attending political rallies on the streets of NY. Besides reporting on these events, I have been trying to engage in discourse with the with non-Muslims supporters of Islam, while exposing the misinformation Muslims are spreading at these events. Although some people are just unreachable, recently I have spoken to liberals who are taking a stand against Islam. Some have told me this site has helped them see the threat of Islam. The numbers are not as high as we need them to be, but it is a start. Muslims have a well funded 24/7 propaganda machine going, and for the sake of our families future generations we have no choice but to fight back, in what I like the call the information war."

I Have a Small Request
November 20, 2010
By Christopher Logan

Hello everyone,

Besides reporting on these events, I have been trying to engage in discourse with the with non-Muslims supporters of Islam, while exposing the misinformation Muslims are spreading at these events. Although some people are just unreachable, recently I have spoken to liberals who are taking a stand against Islam. Some have told me this site has helped them see the threat of Islam. The numbers are not as high as we need them to be, but it is a start. Muslims have a well funded 24/7 propaganda machine going, and for the sake of our families future generations we have no choice but to fight back, in what I like the call the information war.

I will continue to attend as many rallies, meetings, etc, on this issue as possible and I am even willing to show up at rallies of those that oppose us. I want to continue informing people about the internal threat of Islam, and the division it is causing in America. Issues the mainstream media will not touch. Besides up coming rallies, next week I will start visiting non-Islamic houses of worship, to distribute flyers and to talk to those in charge about this issue. This will serve two purposes. The first is that I can continue informing non-Muslims about the internal threat of Islam. The second being that we will also find out which non-Muslims are standing with Islam. I will be keeping a list, and posting it here. As well as providing as much video and audio as possible.

But I do need your help. I cannot go into all the details that I have planned, but I need to purchase some more electronic equipment. Such as a different kind of camera, and recording devices. Numerous Muslims who do not hide their hatred of non-Muslims, are well aware of my work. Some of thNY based Revolution Muslim group.em are the Islamic Awakening Forums, and the  This is beside the hatred that is coming from the Islamophiles of America. So I need to buy some security items, and I am also willing to travel out of state if the funding is available. I know times are tough, but if we lose this war nothing else happening will matter.

Donations of just $10 and up would greatly help our cause. If you are in a position to help out, please use the PayPal feature on the left hand side of the site.

Thank you,

4 Comments - Share Yours!:

Juniper in the Desert said...

Hi, I would like to follow your blog but I can't find widget! Please advise! :))

PatriotUSA said...

Hi Juniper,
On the right hand side side bar
you will find a 'widget' where
you can follow my blog.You will find it between Bosch fawstin and
'The truth.' Let me know if you
encounter any problems.

Thanks so much!!!!


HermitLion said...

there's also an option to subscribe to RSS feeds on the top-right part of the page.
Very comfortable, if you use an RSS reader (like Google reader, with which I follow your blog :) ), and you can even keep track of the latest comments this way.

goldenduas said...

The Islamic Govts and all other Islamic organizations in the world failed
to notice that Christians are not arrogant and amongst them are priest and monks according to
the Quranic verse 5: 82.In the absence of the same ,there is no peace between the 2 largest
population of the world.Once the Holy Quran recognized Christianity ,

then no Christian can criticize that Islamic community is false or Satanic community.

All the Muslims in the world are the followers of Our Prophets Jesus ,Moses and

Muhammad ( peace be upon them). We have no other intention except to spread

the messages to all the communities in the world posted in our website www.goldenduas.com
to promote harmony, peace and security of mankind in the world. The
question of converting Christians and all other communities in the
world into Islam does not arise on the reason that the Holy Quran
banned compulsory conversion as per Quranic verse 2:256. The Christians
in the world are service minded people,who work towards peace, research, etc. to
serve public in the world and as such no one can act against
Christianity in the world . Please check our homepage www.goldenduas.com.Please
cooperate and advertise to all persons,to allow all the communities in
the world to visit and download from our website www.goldenduas.com.
in the interest of public peace,humanity,jobs,business,security,health and wealth of mankind
in the world and oblige.
With Kind Regards,
Ibrahim Ali.