And for what? The US promised some advanced airplanes, which Israel won't be able to use against the enemies that do attack it, or those who are preparing a nuclear arsenal; a veto on the unilateral declaration of an Arab settler state - which is meaningless, since the Arab settlers are not particularly known for their tendency to respect western authority; and some support in the UN, which again matters very little, considering Israel's position in that warped organization isn't even as high as that of a pedophile in a soccer moms' convention.
And while the Israeli government puppets talk to their masters overseas, what are the people they are supposedly representing meant to think? Well, according to Eitan Haber, the man who famously wept while delivering the news of Rabin's death to the nation, and a professional defeatist, "We can eat tons of spinach, and call ourselves 'the Israeli Popeye', but in the end of the day every single minister, including Avigdor Lieberman, knows how much we are completely dependant on the United States, and whatever it tells us - we shall do."
He carries on to call Israel the 51st. state (if only the giant overseas would have us, which it won't), and claims that "It may not be pleasant to hear, but that is the truth. Sooner or later, American will toss us out of all the territories."
According to his arguments, one could think this to be strictly a matter between Israel and America. In the leftist terminology, the Arabs don't even exist. Well, not as long as they can bash their own countrymen without mentioning them, anyways. Especially with gloating sentences like "the settlement people in the territories have built their towns, and laughed on everyone, while the Americans waited behind the corner".
Once again the evil settler is to blame, only this time the whip is America, not the wrath of indigenous invaders from the burning deserts.
Sore losers that they are, Israeli leftists hurt so much over not being the ones who get to lead this country to its destruction, that all they have left to say is call everyone else stupid. Heaven forbids someone might actually find a better way to deal with the threats Israel faces. Then they would have to pull out the big guns, and make fingerpaints of him wearing a swastika yarmulke.
One way or another, this recent cave-in might be positive in buying Israel some more time, but to do what, exactly? Obama has no achievement whatsoever to flaunt - neither with foreign policy, nor domestic. Bullying the Israeli leadership, which has long since sold the people's national identity for their private gains (the traditional term is 'bribe'. I wouldn't want to use 'traitor' in two consecutive articles), is all he has left to feel good again inside.
What's worse is that they are giving in to demands of appeasement, when the enemy is at his brashest - smelling a weakened foe, the invader thug Abbas refuses to offer anything in return, and continues to blame Israel for everything from the rising prices of rice, to the bad performance of actors in amateur porn. We all know how this game will continue: more concessions, the sort of which no one in Israel dared imagine when the original 'peace talks' have begun, like giving up on the Jordan valley, when 'eastern Palestine' is becoming increasingly hostile.
But if the people of Israel will not draw the line, and bring their corrupted, false leadership into order, no one will do it for them. Sort of hard to do that, though, when many of them still believe the only way out is to scapegoat 'the settlers'.
Read more about the subject on Israeli Uncensored News.
2 Comments - Share Yours!:
Use traitor in every article
concerning the biggest traitor
we have seen occupy the White
House in my lifetime.
Well done, HermitLion. You have
earned your rest.
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