'War weariness' is very real, and can disrupt a whole nation, especially when the conflict is constant, prolonged, and affects a large portion of the population.
It gets much, much worse, when the thought-shapers of the country make considerable effort to convince everyone the war is their fault. The ability of a free nation to endure a conflict that is forced upon them, dissolves quickly when that belief takes hold.
It is how America got beat in Vietnam, and it is how Israel is getting beaten out of, well, Israel.
Rather than hold on to Jewish beliefs, Israelis have learned to adopt a genocidal leftist, pro-Muslim propaganda. If thirty years ago one could still hear axioms such as "they have many countries to go to, we have only one", and "they want to throw us to the sea" from the common man, they have been replaced with "we can't antagonize the entire world", and "there is no military solution".
Yet, whenever enough military force has been applied, Arab terrorism in Israel has been curtailed, and whenever Arab settlers were allowed free reign, they have immediately took the opportunity to stack arms, build up forces, and unleash death onto the civilian population of the country.
That story has repeated itself countless times in the past century - decades upon decades before Jews had a sovereign state (which, admittedly, is a situation that can repeat itself, since currently Israel the state is currently oppressing Jews - both secular, and religious).
I still remember the day of the Dizengoff St. bus bombing in Tel-Aviv. It was not long after the Oslo agreements, and the first time in my young life that I was exposed to such horror. Shimon Peres went on television, saying the murdered were the 'victims of peace' - a phrase befitting a tragic parody more than real life.
That sort of terrorism has been taken down thanks to use of force, and a massive intelligence network, though you wouldn't know that by listening to the news.
The same tired old slogans still ring since the Oslo agreements, as if the only obstacle to the relief of the endless siege of the country are a bunch of religious nuts living on some hill. Israel has been handicapping itself in the fight against its enemies, but rather than gain recognition for that, like the leftists promised, it has instead become the most demonized country on Earth.
Being pumped with demoralizing propaganda from their own media took its toll on the people of Israel. Once proud of their stand against countless enemies, and the re-population of their land, they are now becoming more and more the required 'lambs to the slaughter', who are ashamed of their own existence, convinced that everything they might do to help themselves is doomed to fail, and that there is no solution to their problems anyway.
Save, of course, for the same 'solution' that was shoved down their throats for the past few decades - that there would be no more war, as soon as they cease to exist.
Under such political fatalism, which is encouraged by rich foreign interests, everyone who dares suggest the notion that Judea and Samaria are actually parts of the ancient Jewish homeland; that Israel is still the rightful defender, just like it was in 1948, 1967, and 1973; or, god forbid, that it is a good idea to take the fight to the enemy, and shatter its will to fight - is of course being ridiculed as a genocidal maniac that makes Adolf Hitler look like Mother Theresa.
Under the grinding mental effect of a prolonged siege, those who break first can become traitors. Traitors, in turn, aid the enemy by weakening the will of others, and potentially wrecking the capabilities of the defenders from within. We don't call them that (well, I do), but the 'leftists', 'peaceniks', 'anarchists', and lobotomists that actively work to demoralize, weaken, and break a nation from within, are nothing but traitors and cowards, who have broken under the fear tactics employed by the ruthless enemy.
When besieged, there are only two options for survival: one is attempting to wear your enemy out, in hope that his supplies would run out first, or that disease would strike his camp.
The other is breaking the blockades (mental or otherwise), assailing the enemy, and sending him scurrying in all directions.
The Israeli establishment, as well as that of every other nation who is becoming increasingly besieged by Islam, are picking an entirely different option - assisting the besieged to die quickly, and in a peaceful manner, possibly with the hope that they might be sparred by the surrounding horde.
We, who have not given in to their lies yet, must remember the grim truths reality, and denounce these fabricated 'solutions'.
Daniel Greenfield wrote an excellent article on the topic, criticizing the 'head in the sand', defensive policies of the west: Breaking the Siege Mentality of Airline Security.
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