
Make Mine Freedom: From 1948

OK, so this is a bit campy and maybe over the top for some of you. I remember watching this as a kid, many times. This was done when this country and times were different. This recalls what made America the greatest country the world has ever known, in the shortest time span in world history. Just a reminder of what we need to get back to. We can restore the United States. We owe it to our children and their children.

Tags: 1948, Make Mine Freedom, Harding College To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!

1 Comments - Share Yours!:

HermitLion said...

Different times, indeed. That video was great to watch, even for a cynic like myself, because the message stays just as valid today as it did 62 years ago (coincidentally, the birthyear of my country, which is going through Islamism and rabid insanatism).

I believe that there are universal truths, which do not change with time. Freedom, and liberty, are enlightened ways, which every country can choose to embrace, and yet only a few actually do.
In the words of John Milton: "None can love freedom heartily, but good men - the rest love not freedom, but licence".