
Environazis blow up school children in controversial ad.

Do you ever wonder if this is how they would really want it to be? Just eliminate those who question global warming and climate change? Most of you know how I feel about such agendas. From Fox news.


School Children 'Blown Up' for Not Fighting Climate Change in Controversial Ad

A British ad for a climate change campaign shows corporate workers, a famous soccer player and even school children being blown up for not agreeing to cut their carbon emissions, a blood-splattering display that has drawn anger from critics and sheepish embarrassment from its supporters.

The short film, "No Pressure," which promotes the U.K.'s 10:10 climate change campaign, debuted on the campaign's website Friday. It depicts a school teacher, a corporate boss and a soccer coach asking their respective students, employees and players to participate in the 10:10 campaign to reduce carbon emissions. Despite being told there is "no pressure" to join the cause, those who say they don't plan to participate are immediately blown up by their superiors with the push of a button; the others are left standing in awe and covered in bloody remains.

The film was written by "Four Weddings and a Funeral" screenwriter Richard Curtis and directed by music video and commercial director Dougal Wilson. It features actress Gillian Anderson, British soccer stars Peter Crouch and David Ginola and music by Radiohead.

But despite the star-studded credits, the charities behind the film told the Guardian they were "absolutely appalled" by the video, which was pulled from circulation in U.K. movie theaters within hours of its release amid a storm of protest.

"We think the 10:10 campaign is very important, but the moment this film was seen it was clear it was inappropriate," ActionAid, a charity that co-ordinates the 10:10 schools program, told the Guardian.

The 10:10 campaign said that the video was intended to revive the issue of climate change in the media in a way that would make people laugh. To a degree, it said, it succeeded.

"Many people found the resulting film extremely funny, but unfortunately some didn't and 10:10 would like to apologize to everybody who was offended by the film," 10:10 said in a statement Friday.

The group removed the ad from its website; it said it won't attempt to censor any other versions in circulation on the Internet.

Click here to see the video on YouTube (Warning: graphic content).

But the campaign's founder still stands by the film.

"We 'killed' five people to make No Pressure - a mere blip compared to the 300,000 real people who now die each year from climate change," Franny Armstrong told the Telegraph.

Curtis said he hopes the provocative nature of the film doesn't deter from its message.

"When you try to be funny on a serious subject, it's obviously risky," he told the Guardian. "I hope people who don't like the little film will still think about the big issue and try to do something about it."

Here is the video:

But critics say the video will have the opposite effect.

"While I can sort of see where the writer was trying to go with his comedy here, the message that comes across FIRST and with the most power most assuredly is: ‘Think how we think, do as we do or die,' a YouTube viewer commented. "This was not the intent, however, anyone trying to state that it is not the result is sadly mistaken. I find this to be a horrific message in its entirety."

"It's pretty clear what the environmental movement thinks about human beings in this video. Especially dissenters," another viewer wrote.

The campaign, which was launched in Sept 1, 2009, and aims to cut 10 percent of emissions in the developed world by the end of 2010, says it'll do better next time.

"At 10:10 we're all about trying new and creative ways of getting people to take action on climate change," the 10:10 team said in the statement. "Unfortunately in this instance we missed the mark. Oh well, we live and learn."

Oh yeah, many of us have learned about your agenda and how far many of the environazis would really like to take global warming, climate change and take action against those of us who disagree. PatriotUSA

Original article is here.

6 Comments - Share Yours!:

HermitLion said...

I have seen the ad in question, and found it absolutely appalling as well.

My sense of humor is usually pretty dark, and not at all reserved, but this? Come on - keep the same footage, but change the message to anything that's considered right-wing, and you'll be accused of a war-crime... for the very least.

Heck, I'd make that edited version myself, if it wouldn't be removed from Youtube faster than you can say "Freedom of Truth".

PatriotUSA said...

Very over the top and completely
reprehensible. The group did
cough up an apology but it was
as nasty as the video. Reading
between the lines, ya know.

You are 100% correct about if
some Conservatives had done this.
They would racists, anti-semites,
islamophobes, you name it. BTW,
I get accused of that all the time.
I have been called every name in
the book. Notice how islam and liberals
cannot tolerate any of
this? The truth always slays 'em.

HermitLion said...

You and me both - every name in the book. I'm starting to wear insults like mental badges of honor.

I've done a sort of test, and showed this ad to a leftist friend of mine. She honestly couldn't see what's wrong with it.
It looks like a death threat! I get banned from sites for a lot less. If I made a video that showed people who don't agree with me getting blown to pieces, I'd be in jail right now.
Actually, there's no need to be theoretical - just recently in the UK the police harassed a group of men for watching a video on Facebook, of someone burning a Koran.
Now all the British need is a gulag, and a big statue of Stalin wearing a Kafia.

PatriotUSA said...

I have had several fatwas issued against me! Little ole' me. I
took those as compliments and
proof that I was doing something
right and hitting some nerves.
Our liberal friends REFUSE to have
a friendly discourse with me and
I it find sad. They have little to
defend their cause with and the
mullah in the White House has not
helped them. Even our daughter who
is quite liberal, was disgusted
by this video.

I have had too many experiences
with nasty environmentalists
over the years as I worked in
woods as a logger and fought fires
for almost 10 years. I see those
who are are convinced that GW and
climate change, like this group as
nothing more than a bunch of
educated, polished idiots like
those you find in a radical group
like Earth First.

HermitLion said...

Fatwas? Then you are definitely doing something right.

Leftists define a friendly discourse as a conversation that only their views are represented in. Say something they don't like, and pop goes the slander bag, you Ignorant Racist Nazi and Bigot (or IRNAB).
They make arguments based on how they want the world to work, instead of how it really does ("preemptive strikes are never justified!"). It gets real tiresome, real fast, since there are no common grounds for real discussion.

Though I can't say I've had close encounters like yours with environmentalists, the semi-educated pseudo-intellectual types I know well.
But I've never heard them use open death threats until now. Is that their way of convincing others to listen?
One can only wonder what's next - perhaps videos of beheading people?

PatriotUSA said...

It gets real tiresome, real fast, since there are no common grounds for real discussion.

Yes, it does. My encounters with
the tree huggers, prairie fairies,
and earth muffins have not always
been bad but a couple stand out.
The first one was when I was
falling a tree and my chainsaw
hit some headless spikes that had
been driven into the tree. The chain literaly 'exploded' and my
METAL hard hat saved my life. It
stopped over 20 chain fragments
from hitting my head. I did suffer
a broken nose and 30 stitches on
the side of my head. I finished out the day of work as we were shorthanded that day. We found
pieces of the chain that penetrated
the tank of a fuel truck parked
25 yards away. These spikes were
PURPOSELY driven into the trees
by enviro-nazis. We knew of a
number of loggers that were killed and severely injured by this and other tactics to try and stop all
logging in the Northwest.

Another time we had earth muffins
tree squatting in an old growth fir tree well over 100 ft in height. The tree was a hazard as
it was hanging over what is now
the Pacific Crest trail high up in
the Cascade mountains. They literally tried to dump their
waste(crap and piss)buckets on
us. My swamper(helper for a chainsaw crew) and I were so incensed I started to to fall the tree anyway. I cut the tree half way through and as it started to fall the earth muffins had to jump out. The landed unharmed but for a few bruises(very lucky) and right into the mess from their own waste buckets. The group later on tried to sue the outfit I was working for and the USFS. It went nowhere.
I should write a book. Maybe someday if I have the time and can ever retire, which I now doubt.