
“Islam is a Political Ideology Disguised as a Religion”: Gates of Vienna

I have posted about this courageous woman before here at Patriot's Corner. This from Baron Bodissey and Gates of Vienna. She has been charged with with hate speech for a lecture she did on islam. Baron's comments are below:

"As I’ve said many times in the past, CBN’s coverage of Islam is superior to anything produced by the major television networks. Its news production is every bit as professional, and far exceeds the MSM in its accuracy and depth of information.

The latest from CBN concerns one of Gates of Vienna’s own: Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff. As regular readers know, Elisabeth has a hate speech charge hanging over her head in Austria for a lecture she gave about Islam.

Here’s the report from Erick Stakelbeck. Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for YouTubing it:"

Below are some excerpts from the accompanying article at CBN:

VIENNA, Austria — Burning Korans and criticizing religions may generate anger in America, but it’s still freedom of speech guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution.

However in Europe, speaking out against Islam can lead to a jail sentence.

CBN News interviewed one Austrian citizen facing hate crimes charges for criticizing the Koran.

Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff still remembers her first exposure to Islam as a small child. It was 1979 and her father, an Austrian diplomat, was stationed in Tehran during the Iranian revolution.

“Millions of people were congregating and screaming ‘Allahu Akhbar,’” she said.

That incident began an eye-opening journey for Sabaditsch-Wolff, who would be stationed in several Islamic countries during her own diplomatic career. She was living in Libya nine years ago when the 9/11 attacks on New York City and Washington, D.C. occurred.

“My landlord came running down, banging on my door. And I opened the door and he ran inside my apartment and said, ‘The Jews did it!’ That was the first words he said,” she recalled.

Experiences like that led her to study the Koran and Islamic culture extensively.
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This is the latest case of a European charged with hate speech against Islam.

Dutch parliamentarian Geert Wilders expects a verdict in his hate crimes trial later this year.

In addition to Austria and the Netherlands, hate speech charges have also been filed in the United Kingdom, Sweden, France, Denmark, Belgium and Finland — all against critics of Islam.

Sabaditsch-Wolff’s case is still under review in Austria. In the meantime, the self-described feminist says she will continue to speak out for the sake of future generations.

“Maybe we’re all wrong. Maybe this is the way to go. Maybe Islam really is peace and we’re wrong. I look at my daughter and I think ‘no.’ You have the right to live as you would like to live,” she said.

Hat tip: Gates of Vienna

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