
Remember Aqsa Parvez? Murdered in an honor killing in Canada. Please read!

Aqsa parvez was brutally murdered in an honor killing. She was tossed into an unmarked grave and left there to be forgotten for eternity. Thanks to Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs and many other bloggers and contributors, Aqsa received a proper burial and rememberance. One which was tough to accomplish as many places were afraid to insult Islam by properly honoring her and letting the truth be known about her horrific demise. Now read what this Canadian Imam has said about Aqsa parvez and honor killings in general. This is an outrage and an insult to the entire Western world. Islam is completely incompatible with the West and this is just more proof that Islam will never be able to assimilate into Western culture and society.

Canadian Imams Fail to Decry Violent Honor Killing of Aqsa Parvez
By Christine Williams

NewsRealBlog: As Canada continues to reel over the violent ‘honor killing’ of Aqsa Parvez and the country awaits a public outcry from Islamic leaders, it was met with a kick in the face from an imam representing a noted organization.

Imam Zijad Delic of the Canadian Islamic Congress said there is “nothing Islamic” in taking a human life.

He calls it a personal issue more than a cultural one and suggested perpetrators are not unlike the white, Canadian born mother who suddenly kills her children in that both are ultimately unable to deal with the challenges of domestic life.

This imam’s statement is nothing short of infuriating and insults the memory of Aqsa and other women who have suffered a brutal death in the name of so-called honor. His ghastly comment is a deliberate attempt to veil the issue through deception. The naive among us will only see Delic’s single point that taking human life is not limited to a single culture. In the case of Aqsa however, we can not afford to ignore the conspicuous dimension that caused her to be murdered: the act was perpetuated by a cultural tradition rooted in the misogynistic tenets of the Qur’an.

These teachings advocate (among other things): women as property (tilth), spanking her to control her, and the horrendous practice of child marriage, which in many instances causes death to prepubescsent young victims who are biologically ill-equipped for the consummation of these marriages. Such cases have been frequently highlighted in places like Yemen and Afghanistan. One Unicef study found that “from 2000 to 2008, the brides in 43 percent of Afghan marriages were under 18.”

Diana Nammi, founder of the London-based International Campaign Against Honour Killings, told Canwest News Service:

"When people are moving to another country, they leave everything they have, all their possessions, behind. But what they can bring with them is what they believe, their culture, their traditions, their religion … Unfortunately, they are choosing to show the worst part of that, and the worst and criminal part of that is controlling women."

Kudos to Nammi for calling a ’spade a spade’ in her mention of both the cultural and religious components.

Amin Muhammad is a professor of psychiatry at Memorial University of Newfoundland who would like to see stiffer sentences for honor murder and warns that Multicultural Canada will see more such crimes. Though expending meritorious efforts to marginalize the heinous practice of honor killings, Dr. Muhammad is a little less than honest: "The concept of honour is especially powerful because it exists beyond reason and beyond analysis. But what masquerades as ‘honour’ is really men’s need to control women’s sexuality and their freedom. These murders are not based on religious beliefs but, rather, deeply rooted cultural ones."

Dr. Mohammad’s statement exposes the “clash of cultures” between democracy and Shariah, but these murders are rooted in Qur’anic teachings that are extremely oppressive and damaging to women and young girls. When moderates like Mohammad work on behalf of the Aqsas of the world, they choose to defy the letter of such teachings. While we need to acknowledge this and support the efforts of moderates, we cannot afford to minimize the meaning of what was committed against Aqsa in the name of the Muslim religion which feeds such radicalism. This recognition stands as a basis for a call by many for Muslim Reform.

Mohammad goes on to say that while Muslims are involved in “many recent cases,” that “honour killings have also been committed in the name of Hinduism, Sikhism and Christianity.” A likely story. From a Christian perspective, any person that would commit an honor killing (or any other violence against women) in the name of Christianity will do so unsupported by Christian doctrine. I challenge anybody to find one text in Christian scriptures that advocates any violence whatsoever against women, from spanking her to control her, to the taking of child brides.

One also needs to seriously ask the question: Why have the imams and Muslim clerics not come out openly in Canada to condemn what happened to Aqsa? And globally, the unspeakable violence and oppression against women are supported by mullahs, imams and Muslim clerics, if not openly–then by their silence.

Original article is here

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