This guy, Jason Levin is a School teacher in my state of Oregon in Beaverton, Oregon. Would you want this creep to be teaching your kids? I have read many articles about Mr. Levin but am posting this from TexasFred. I agree with him 100% and please follow the links to read more about this commie, progressive loser. There are alot like him in Oregon on the west side of the state where I do not live. There are numbers to call the school district. PLEASE DO SO! This is straight from TexasFred's.
Crash the Tea Party – IDIOT EXPOSED!
From my buddy Rob at American and Proud, with a Hat Tip to IOTW
This is the face of THE ENEMY, but you won’t see him at any TEA Party gatherings. He’s a bit of an instigator but he won’t show up now that he’s been *outed*. That’s pretty typical, people like Jason think up these kind of disruptions, get their 15 minutes of Facebook fame and then fade off into the basement at Mom and Dad’s…
Tea Party Infiltrators –
Lions and Tigers and Bears…
Oh My!!!
Many have asked about the news that there may be “infiltrators” at tea parties around the nation. A website Crash The Tea Party! was recently set up. The creator, though he tried to hide his identity, has been outed; his name is Jason Levin, and he’s a middle school teacher in Beaverton, Oregon. He’s on record saying that you might see some of his team in Nazi uniforms at your local tea party pretending to be racists and other offensive characters. Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy doesn’t it? And one has to ask the question; if tea partiers are racist, anti-Semitic homophobes, and it’s so obvious, why does he need to plant people who pretend to be those things at your tea parties? Ah…leftist logic and tactics…there is no way to understand their twisted thoughts. But you do need to know what the left is up to.
And by the way, if you’d like to let Mr. Levin’s school district know what you think of his behavior, and his potential influence on public school students in Beaverton, Oregon, you can contact them here. And you can reach the Principal at his school, Mr. Zan Hess, at this number: (503) 524-1345. If you choose to contact them, in direct contrast to Mr. Levin’s behavior, please be polite. Remember, just because he’s exposed himself publicly as a vile, indecent human being who will stoop to Nazi symbolism, and the promotion of racism and bigotry to silence those with whom he disagrees, doesn’t mean everyone in the school district is bad.
I’m Calling RIGHT NOW. The busy signal you get will be because of me.
I just spoke to a very nice lady at the above number, who admitted to developing a migraine over this, and she said calls can be directed to
503 591-4360
Read American and Proud, if you think I’m opinionated, you ain’t seen nothing yet! Rob defines bog dwelling, beer swilling redneck!
We’re NOT what these people say we are. We are Americans that are tired of the status quo from Washington, D.C.
We aren’t buying the *change* thing that got Barack Hussein Obama elected, but because we’re not buying it, we are branded by the left as racists, radicals, rednecks, homophobes, morons and any other denigration their handlers can advise them to shout.
All I ask you is this, IF you are at a TEA Party function over the weekend, be aware, NO TEA Party person will be engaged in ANY activities that involved violence or radical speech. Any that you see doing so are quite likely these disruptors that are trying to infiltrate the TEA Party and take away it’s rapidly growing credibility!
Big Hat tip to TexasFred
The story of an Oregon Idiot. The Tea party Crasher. What a LOSER!
Posted by
12:43 PM
American Tea Party,
Jason Levin,
Tax Day April 15,
Traitors to America
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