
Do not look to the Government to help us after an attack using WMD

Leave it to China Confidential to bring up another topic that the government most likely does not want you to read about. Think we can count on the White House or our governemnt to come to our aid after an attack involving WMD? Think again and it will be at least three days, 72 hours before they MIGHT get help to us. How would we respond to such an attack under Obama? Whimper, whimper, running with his tail between his legs, Obama would roll over, belly up, showing more cowardice, appeasement and groveling to be continually dominated by those who seek to destroy us. Pathetic and shameful.

White House to American People: Don't Expect Immediate Federal Help After Atomic Attack

China Confidential,   Click here for the shocking story.

nuclear blast in an American city is considered an inevitability ... and the American people are basically on their own.

The federal government would not respond for at least 72 hours.

State and local governments are not prepared respond.

Where is the outrage?

What is the deterrent against an anonymous atomic attack on the United States by terrorists or a terrorist-sponsoring nation such as Iran?

There is none, apparently. Instead of declaring or at least strongly signaling that the U.S. would immediately obliterate all suspect nations (the list should include Iran, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia and the Muslim holy cities) should any nuclear device (or major biological or chemical weapon) of any kind ever be detonated on U.S. soil, the President ... who dreams of a nuclear-free world ... has gone in the opposite direction ... toward unilateral disarmament.

And an adoring media praises his every move.

In Washington, meanwhile, the DIA chief says Iran could have the bomb in one year.

As the New York Daily News says, Iran's atomic advance sends chills down the spine.

Recall that back in 2008, a bipartisan commission warned that terrorists are likely to attack the U.S. using nuclear or biological weapons before 2013.

Click here to read about a 2007 study that details the catastrophic impact of nuclear attack on U.S. cities.

Conclusion: for all the talk, Iran is being allowed to develop nuclear weapons--Obama's election assured Iran's success in this regard--and the American people are again being advised to "duck and cover" in the event of a nuclear blast, as they were back in the 1950s, and, oh, yes, to shower after being exposed to atomic radiation, as per the White House instructions in the above-referenced and linked article.

Progress! Change!


Remember this from school? I sure do.

Hat tip: China Confidential
Tags: Appeasing, Iran, Islamic world, Barack Obama, First Muslim president, U.S, Government impotence, WMD threat To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!

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