
So what if the unthinkable happened? What would Obama do in response to such an attack?

China Confidential has a very good read here. How would the current administration react? By holding meetings, town halls, and 'promising’ to hunt down the 'extremists' who carried out such an attack against the United States. Feel better and more assured about the mullah Obamaham now?

What Deterrent Against Anonymous Nuke Attack?

From China Confidential

Thinking about the unthinkable....

Should terrorists anonymously attack Israel with any sort of nuclear weapon, the Jewish State would instantly retaliate with its presumed nuclear arsenal. Systems are widely assumed to be in place for the automatic obliteration of Israel's enemies. Muslim capitals, oil fields--and holy sites--would be wiped off the map, to use a favorite Iranian regime expression.

Should terrorists anonymously attack the United States with any sort of nuclear weapon, the Obama administration, in contrast with Israel, would probably respond with press conferences, vows to hunt down and bring to justice the perpetrators of the war crime, fact-finding commissions and investigations, and national prayer meetings and healing sessions, including compulsory quotations from "the Holy Koran."

In light of the above, which country would Islamist Iran be most likely to attack first after acquiring nuclear weapons--Israel or the United States?

The answer, in this reporter's opinion, is the U.S. Aiming for a "world without America and Zionism," the fountainhead of fascistic political Islam believes it can (a) create a nuclear shield for the steady, stage-by-stage isolation and destruction of Israel by Iranian proxies Hamas and Hezbollah and ally Syria, and (b) develop nuclear weapons for a stunning--and anonymous--sneak attack on the U.S. that would bring "the Great Satan" to its knees.

The "Little Satan"--Israel--may indeed be a "one-bomb country," as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said, referring to its size--about the same as New Jersey. But the Islamonazis ironically regard the tiny Jewish State as more dangerous than its big, superpower ally.

Put differently, in a way that many Americans might appreciate, Iran sees Israel as John Gotti and the U.S. as Jimmy Carter; Bibi, as another Harry Truman, in terms of his willingness to drop the bomb; and Barack Obama, as the new Neville Chamberlain--an appeaser leading his nation and its allies to catastrophe.

Thanks to China Confidential for letting me use this!

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