
Fox News on the imminent fascist takeover in Europe? Shame on Fox News and these fools.

Fox News seems to be everyone's darling news station. Well, for me it has not been for a long time. Long before we ditched our cable TV I thought Fox News was losing the lusture it once had. The Saudi Prince Bin Talal said the following:

"When I meet Mr Murdoch of News Corp, that owns Fox News, and BSkyB, or when I meet Mr Parsons, who controls CNN, Fortune magazine, People, Time, America Online, I don’t intrude into the management of these companies. However, I do convey to them the message about where I believe they went wrong. It’s their discretion to decide what to do. My job is to open their eyes to things they may not have seen."

Read on for more and I will next have a letter in response to this mess.

A Day That Will Live in Infamy for American Conservatives
by Baron Bodissey

When I heard about last night’s self-righteous little LGF moment at Fox News, the only video link I had was for Glenn Beck’s dire warning about an imminent fascist takeover in Europe. My first response was, “Oh, well, that’s just Glenn Beck.”

So Glenn Beck chucked our johnson — no big deal; we get our johnson chucked every day of the week.

But then I heard that Bill Kristol and Charles Krauthammer were part of the anti-fascist Greek chorus. That brought me up short — these guys are supposed to be a little more serious than TV talk-show hosts. It’s true Bill Kristol is the attack dog for the neoconservatives. But what about Dr. Krauthammer, who has long been regarded as the moral compass of American conservative punditry?

It was harder to just brush them away as just another couple of talking-head TV bozos. So my initial response morphed into something stronger: How dare they?

These three gentlemen, ensconced on their peacock thrones in the comfortable precincts of a major cable news channel, saw fit to condemn all of the European anti-Islamization movements in one fell swoop.

Charles Krauthammer, of all people, should know better. It was jaw-dropping to hear him issue a summary judgment on European nationalists based on knowledge as shallow as the kiddie wading pool in McIntire Park.

It’s not as if the evidence is hidden or obscure. The information is out there in multiple locations for anyone to read. And I’m not talking about screeds like this one, but real historical research and scholarly analysis.

The anti-fascist pundits could start with the books of Dr. Andrew Bostom, or Robert Spencer, or Ibn Warraq, or Bat Ye’or, or Srdja Trifkovic. Yes, I suppose they could dismiss Messrs. Trifkovic and Spencer as “fascists”. But what about Bat Ye’or? Or especially Ibn Warraq?

Dr. Krauthammer: I defy you to find any evidence that Ibn Warraq is a fascist, or supports fascists, or apologizes for fascists, or tolerates fascists. Moreover, Ibn Warraq is supremely qualified to inform you about the real fascist threat to Europe: an unaccountable EU superstate acting in concert with the totalitarian political ideology known as Islam.

Dr. Krauthammer, you have failed to do due diligence, and your ill-informed and ill-considered words have contributed to the Big Lie about Europe. You have aided and abetted the destructive “neo-fascist” meme which does such grave damage to courageous Europeans who dare to resist the Islamization of their countries.

Once again: How dare you? Continue reading

Hat tip: Gates of Vienna

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