
Multiculturalism, Diversity and Political Correctness are REATARDED.

Rahm(retard) Emanuel has whipped up a hornets nest for himself and his boss, Obama by using the word "retarded." So what. Retarded means what? It means mentally slow. Retard means to slow down or impede. Rahm should have used the word to describe Obama and his fellow democrats. Probably would not have even been noticed expect by those who linger at the Daily Kos or Huffy Po.

Now this is a real RETARDED retard!

Totus has a good take on this new 'crisis' at the White House. It is funny to me and many others who do not take everything in life so seriously that we are tripping over, backpeddling and apologizing for almost every word we speak.


Political Correctness

Another new word has made it to the top of the "Political Correctness" list. Now "retarded" has join forces with such words as: nigger, fairy, fat, midget, secretary,ugly, white trash, cracker, dyke/dike, garbage man, bum, Merry Christmas and many others. Earlier this week it was Rahm Emanuel that spoke that forbidden word, "retarded" and he is now joined by the Rick Perry campaign's chief consultant who also dared to utter that unspeakable word, "retarded". If this wasn't so serious it would be funny, in fact laughable. The really sad part is that those who utter these words are forced to apologize and recant. This is madness, sheer madness. What ever happened to freedom of speech? This political correctness is slowly chipping away at our freedom of speech one word at a time. Next time someone tells you, "you shouldn't use that word", just tell them to "Get Lost"!

Now just in case you are in to political correctness here are a few words and pharses you should not use along with the correct ones:

Broken Home-Dysfunctional Family
Bum-Homeless Person
Fat-Enlarged Physical condition
Garbage Man-Sanitation Engineer
Housewife-Domestic Engineer
Midget-Vertically Challenged
SecretaryAdministrative Assistant
Ugly-Visually Challenging
White Trash-White Loser
Merry Christmas-Happy Holidays
Cracker-White Southerner
There are many, many more that can be added to this rapidly growing list of forbidden words. Want to add some more!

Hat tip: Totus


Please feel free to add more words in your comments. If I get enough I will
publish them here in the next couple of days. PatriotUSA

2 Comments - Share Yours!:

Ron Russell said...

Thanks for the repost. Political correctness is a creeping enemy that many fail to recognize muchless fear---it is deadly!

PatriotUSA said...

My pleasure, Ron. All one has
to do is look at the
European continent
to what PCness can
and has done.