
Disgusting Video of Geert Wilders death. Made with the Dutch tax payers money.

I am a little late in getting this up but it is really sad. Smacks of the movie that was made about President Bush getting killed. There is a feed from Gates of Vienna below the video. You do not need this in english as it is quite easy to follow what takes place.

The death Muslims and Islam hope for:

It’s obvious that the Dutch government wants Geert Wilders out of the way, and doesn’t much care how it happens.

In bygone days the Queen might have murmured to herself, “Who will rid me of this troublesome blond?” And then, to please his monarch, some eager courtier would have dispatched Mr. Wilders to meet his maker.

But today’s tactics have to be different. First the government demonizes the head of the PVV, eroding his official legitimacy and making it seem as if he almost deserves a violent end. Then it puts him on trial on trumped-up charges, and declines to provide the same courtroom security for a member of parliament that it gives to Islamic terrorists.

And now the latest twist: a state-sponsored radio station has produced a fake movie trailer, “The Murder of Geert Wilders” (which can be viewed here). It seems to be in Italian with Dutch subtitles, of all the strange things. Mind you, this is supposed to be funny, And it probably is, if you happen to be a fourteen-year-old Moroccan-Dutch kid, such as the ones we saw in Vlad’s video last night.

(I had the video here a day or two ago with Dutch-Morrocan punks.)

Mr. Wilders’ party has complained about the use of public money for such purposes. Here’s what the PVV website says, as translated by VH:

Insipid murder movie about Wilders

The Party for Freedom wants Minister Plasterk to explain why tax money is used for a provocative film about the murder of Geert Wilders. The movie was made by Pezpaq, a part of FunX, a heavily subsidized multicultural radio station.

PVV media spokesman Martin Bosma: “This is truly tasteless. Geert Wilders lives under the heaviest possible security. That you would produce entertainment about the murder of someone like that is disgusting. Why the hell do people pay taxes for this? It would be good if FunX would use its grant money to participate in regular audience research. Then it would immediately be shown that almost no one listens to the channel and therefore it could be quickly abolished.”

Questions put to the Minister of Media Affairs, Mr. Plasterk [PvdA, Socialists, Labour], by Mr. Bosma, a Member of the PVV, concerning a murder movie about Geert Wilders:
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February 4, 2010

1. Has the Minister become aware of the movie “The Assassination of Geert Wilders”?

2. Are cases known to you in which the state broadcaster has made “murder movies” about left-wing politicians, or is the aggression of the state broadcaster focused only against right-wing politicians?

3. How does the production of the movie relate to the Media Act, which requires the public broadcaster to be “of us all, and for us all”?

4. Will you find the state broadcaster partly responsible when someone actually turns the word into the deed?

Continue reading as Diana West has more on this.

3 Comments - Share Yours!:

Trencherbone said...

The BBC has imposed a complete news blackout on the trial http://crombouke.blogspot.com/2010/02/bbc-news-black-out-on-geert-wilders.html

PatriotUSA said...

Yes, they have. Anyone who knows
anything about the BBC is that
that they are are a bunch of
dhimmi cowards. I would be curious to know who's decision(s) it was tha led to such a stupid idea?
Muslim viewers? The ignorant
viewers and the BBC board that is
protecting english society from
the evils of the truth in order
to save the perverse culture of
PCness, Diversity and multicultural

Ron Russell said...

That video is disgusting! The trial of Geert is nothing but a political move my the opposition to silence a rising tide in Europe against the increasing presence of Islam. I think most there have had their fill of these aliens from the south.