
Great editorial from Republican house whip Eric Cantor on KSM trial. Must read!

If you do not read anyhting else then please read this outstanding op-ed
article by Eric Cantor. This man is a bright, upright, common sense
politician who has a very bright future. Cantor minces no words and tells
it like it is in regard to the wrongful trial of KSM being held on U.S. soil.


Keep KSM, other terrorists off U.S. soil
Eric Cantor

Since the attack on 9/11, the United States has sought to balance the necessity of protecting the American people with the goal of honoring our democratic ideals. Congress, the executive branch, and the Supreme Court have spent years wrangling to find the right approach for the prosecution of suspected terrorists captured on the battlefield.

What has emerged is an updated military tribunal system that safeguards sensitive national security information and doesn’t tie the hands of our intelligence community or our military. This structure provides a far superior approach for handling the Mohammed trial than the administration has proposed. It does not afford terrorists the protections guaranteed to domestic common criminals processed through the civilian court system. And it's not as if the administration flatly rejects this structure. Consider that on the very same day that President Obama announced his plans for Mohammed, he also declared that America would try five terrorists who attacked the USS Cole in October 2000 by military commission.

There are compelling legal reasons not to bring terrorists into this country for trial, and the Obama Administration may well come to regret the casual way in which it has overlooked substantial anti-prosecution legal precedent. Continue reading:

Hat tip: China Confidential


2 Comments - Share Yours!:

Teresa said...

Cantor wrote an exceptional article. The Obama administration's callous decision to try KSM and 4 other terrorists in a civilian courtroom is outrageous. They are giving the terrorists more rights than they are due by International Military law. This administration's bend over backwards for the terrorists mentality, at the cost of the safety of the American people sickens me and irks me to no end. This is war and these pansies don't get it or are plain ignorant.

PatriotUSA said...

Thanks for the comment. Cantor is
one of the few conservatives
that gives many of us hope. He
has held true to his convictions,
morals, ethics and beliefs in this
country. One only has to look at
Islam, all that it has spawned
since the 7th century, the millions
and millions of lives lost.
Innocent lives for the most part.
Fast forward to what the OIC is
doing at the UN(a totally worthless
dump) and the trial of the most
brave and noble Geert Wilders in
Holland. They do not get it, are
arrogant and Islamosympathizers
of the worst kind. We are
at war and have been for a long time.
Should have nuked 'em
after 9/11 and we should
nuke 'em now.