
The truth about Luqman Abdullah. He vowed never to go peacefully and he did not, why?

I have often mentioned the Islamic term taqiya and this article proves to be a perfect example of Islamic taqiya. Luqman Abdullah was a doemstic Islamic terrroist who met his end in a hail of well placed, well deserved bullets after he made the decision to go down in a blaze of Islamic glory.The Islamic organizations and the MSM have jumped all over this story, ignoring the facts and distorting the truth by speading lies and deception about Abdullah and the brand of Islam he preached. As predidcted when this terrorist was rightfully taken out, the good guys are getting smeared to look bad, Islam is trying to white wash itself into what Islam is not, a 'religion of peace.' It will be very interesting to see how the independent investigation by the DOJ turns out. The current administration is the biggest bunch of Islamo sympathizers our great country has ever been cursed with. Let us hope the truth prevails and Islam is exposed for what it is; an ideology based on fear, intimidation, persecution and when needed, death to those who refuse or oppose it.

Investigative Project on Terrorism

Fear and Loathing in Detroit

Luqman Adbullah: a true domestic Islamic Terrorist

Reactions to the medical examiner's report also show that a facts-be-damned attitude persists among the imam's supporters when it comes to their campaign to foment anger and hostility toward law enforcement. Protesters gathered outside a news conference given by Dearborn's police chief Monday standing in front of a banner reading "Stop FBI Terror!" A supporter called the shooting "a targeted assassination."

Tuesday's New York Times joined the misreporting when it said "Mr. Abdullah, however, had not been charged with a crime when he was killed in a shootout." He had. "He was charged via criminal complaint" and agents came to serve him with an arrest warrant, Detroit FBI spokeswoman Sandra Berchtold said Wednesday.

Cries of excessive force and other errors by the FBI emanating from Detroit's Islamist leaders are rife with innuendo and ignore available information that makes the shooting still seem unfortunate, but understandable.

Protesting the death of an enemy of the American State

The criminal complaint against Abdullah and 11 others alleged that he led a radical separatist movement called "the Ummah." In his leadership role, Abdullah preached a violent jihad and pledged not to go quietly if police ever came for him. "Do not carry a pistol if you're going to give it up to police," an informant quoted Abdullah saying. "You give them a bullet" instead.

That's what he tried to do as agents moved in, killing a police canine instead of surrendering. The campaign that began almost immediately after Abdullah died is based on a premise that his firing the first shot should not have prompted agents to return fire.

Leading the charge is Dawud Walid, head of the Council on American-Relations' (CAIR) Michigan chapter. He has disputed everything about the case, casting Abdullah as a peaceful and charitable figure and accusing the FBI of doing more to save the dog than to save the imam.
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PatriotUSA said...

Thanks for the link and I will be using alot after looking it over. I will add it to my blogroll. I appreciate you stopping in and hope you will conside signing up to be a follower of Patriot's Corner. I am trying my best with piss poor computer skills.