
The White House Spin has picked up speed.

News Headlines - Obama urges Congress to put off Fort Hood probe : Townhall.com

Of course we know it just cannot
be a 'terrorist attack' while the
demosocialistacrats are in power.
What would the American people
say about this? Call this what it
really is,' a TERRORIST attack.'

"A joint terrorism task force overseen by the FBI learned late last
year of Hasan's repeated contact with the cleric, who encouraged
Muslims to kill U.S. troops in Iraq. The FBI said the task force did
not refer early information about Hasan to superiors because it concluded
he wasn't linked to terrorism."

Or did the FBI investigation not go
deep enough into Hasan's background?
Could it be that the FBI was worried about
the charges of being racist or Islamophobic?
We know THAT never happens here in the
United States, does it?  Again, just think if
a Christian, Jew or any other religion or
ideologogy had committed this act of

Hasan is a terrorist.
He is a devout Muslim
Islam is evil. How much
more proof does this
country need?

Above is a reminder
from 9/11 just in
case some have
forgotten the
terrorist attack
of 9/11/2001


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