
A True memorial to the the victims of 9/11 not to the murdering scums of Islam!

A 9/11 Memorial That Honors The Victims And Not The Terrorists!

Thanks to Monkey in the Middle

Here is an inspiring memorial to
9/11 in Israel. Compare this one to
the Flight 93 Memorial that faces
Mecca and bows to Islam is other ways.
I have reported here before on Alec
Rawls exposure of the Flight 93
memeorial and controversary that
has follwed. Link to Alec Rawl's site
is at end of article.

Memorial in Israel. A heartfelt thank you
to that country.

Designed by award-winning Israeli artist Eliezer Weishoff and commissioned by the Jewish National Fund-USA/Keren Kayemet L'Israel (JNF-USA/KKL), the memorial depicts the World Trade Center and Pentagon through sculpture and landscape architecture.

All of the buildings were attacked by Arab terrorists who hijacked commercial airliners and used them as suicide weapons, flying the planes directly into the structures. The two Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in downtown Manhattan, New York, were completely destroyed in the conflagration that followed. The Pentagon, located in Washington D.C., was damaged but not destroyed in the simultaneous multi-site attack.

A fourth airliner, aimed at the White House, was stopped from reaching its target by passengers on the plane determined to prevent the hijackers from achieving their goal. They gave their lives to attack the terrorists in their own suicide mission that led to the downing of the plane in a field in nearby Pennsylvania.

People from nations around the world lost their lives that morning, among them a number of Jews, including Israelis. Fewer Jewish New Yorkers than usual were present in the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001, however, because many had stopped on their way to work to vote in fiercely-contested local primary elections.

The 30-foot high bronze sculpture commemorating the event and honoring the memories of the victims is composed of a waving American flag transformed into a memorial flame. The monument rests on a base of gray granite, part of which comes from the original Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in downtown Manhattan, destroyed in the mammoth airliner attack eight years ago. The sculpture, which was funded by the Bronka Stavsky Rabin Weintraub Trust, is surrounded by a circular, crater-like plaza and reflection area tiled in stone.

The Jerusalem monument is one of the first major international memorials to mark the terrible event and honor the memory of its victims -- and the only site outside of New York to recognize the names of every victim of the attack.

Memorial donor and native New Yorker Edward Blank explained that he funded the project as a means of expressing the myriad conflicting feelings he struggled with after the tragedy. "My wife died just a few days before 9/11," he said, "and then the whole world was sent reeling by the events of that day. I was looking for a meritorious way to recognize the many feelings I was having, and this memorial was the perfect fit."

U.S. Ambassador to Israel James Cunningham attended the ceremony dedicating the monument, as did U.S. Congressman Erik Paulsen, who led a delegation from the United States. They were joined by Israeli Cabinet ministers, Knesset members and many families of the victims of 9/11, as well as other distinguished guests.


Compare the above memeorial to
the one for flight 93 in Pennsylvania.
If you are not familiar with this, please
become so.


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