
What the Arabs do so well: Change history and make it the Jew's fault.

American Thinker Blog: Rewriting history to make the Jews look bad

"False equivalency rears its ugly head again. The Washington Post upends the history of Temple Mount and ignores Muslim desecration of Jewish antiquities in its Nov. 17 edition. The paper features an article by Jerusalem correspondent Howard Schneider about sporadic tensions and clashes on Temple Mount. But instead of laying out all the facts, Schneider's piece distorts and even censors the real history of Temple Mount -- past and present -- in an absurd effort to draw an equivalence between supposed Jewish threats to Muslim shrines and actual Muslim threats to Judaism's most sacred site."

The post and previously, the New York Times
have undercut the truth about Jewish claims
to the Temple Mount. Muslim efforts to turn
the Temple Mount into a total Islamic shrine
have been going on for years. The Muslim Wafq
has been destroying Jewish artifacts dating back
to the second Jewish Temple. Th world is deaf,
dumb and blind to Jewish concerns about THEIR
Holy site. Jew bashing and anti-semitisim is
quite popular right now. Just look at Europe,
specifically France.

The above is a painting of the Second Jewish
Temple based on an original painting 2,000
years old. Of course the original temple was
basically destroyed and the Muslims built on
top of where the temple originally was built.
Islamic history has many examples of this.
Destroying another religion's Holy sites of
worship and building gigantic mosques
in their place.

The Dome of the Rock and Al-Asqa mosque
are the perversions that do not belong there.
Jerusalem belongs to the Jewish people,
all of it. No more deals for land, prisoners,
no exceptions. The Arabs NEVER honor
their accords or treaties. Islam has been
this way since the 7th century.



Link for the New York Times Article:
Tags: Al-Asqa mosque, Arab-Israeli History, Dome of the Rock, Second Jewish Temple, Wafq To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!

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