
Too many immigrants in Europe?

A short read about attitudes towards
immigrants in Europe. Politically
incorrect attitudes in socialist,
progressive Europe?

Gates of Vienna: Those Intolerant Europeans
By Baron Bodissey

Europe is widely considered a generally tolerant post-Christian secular society, with a laid-back attitude towards such formerly controversial issues as homosexuality, promiscuity, abortion, gay marriage, euthanasia, and even bestiality.

In contrast, America is a hotbed of atavistic Christian zealotry and puritanical repression.

How, then, can one explain the persistent politically incorrect attitudes of a majority of Europeans? Could it be that fifty years of dedicated effort by Gramscian pedagogues and Socialist governments have been in vain?

Is it possible that Europeans are actually — gasp! — WAYCISTS?

Based on the following brief article from Algemeen Dagblad, we are compelled to draw exactly that conclusion. Many thanks to our Flemish correspondent VH for the translation:

Europeans: Too many immigrants in my country

Half of Europeans believes that there are too many immigrants in their country. Overall, one in two Europeans have prejudices against immigrants, religious groups, or minorities, as indicated by a German report that surveyed 8,000 Europeans from eight countries.

Concerning religions, the study stated that 54% of the respondents find Islam an intolerant religion. 22% of respondents believe that most Muslims justify terrorism. About Jews they are positive: 62% believe that Jews enrich their culture.

Equal rights for homosexuals are rejected by 43%. In Eastern European countries the greatest hostility to gay people is found, while it is the smallest in the Netherlands. Of the Poles, 88% are of the opinion that gay men and lesbians should not marry; in the Netherlands, however, 83% are of the opinion that it should be allowed..

In Poland, 87% of the respondents think that married women should their role as mothers more seriously.

That last statistic invites intervention by the feministas of the European Union.

What’s wrong with those Poles? Is it the fault of their pre-1989 education?

Did their communist leaders forget to tell them that tradition gender roles arise from a socially-constructed paradigm of the oppressive patriarchy?

The horror!

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