
Thw white washing of the Fort Hood tragedy. By our military

Investors.com - Suicide By PC

Highlights from the article in red.

Here is a perfect example of how
this tragedy is getting a white
washing from not only the MSM but
our own military.

"Army Chief of Staff Gen. George Casey
warns that making the connection between
Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan's terrorist act and his
Islamic faith could "cause a backlash against
some of our Muslim soldiers."

So what, and I say that with the truth that
I do not care anymore. How many more
Hasan's are out there waiting for the right
moment or orders to attack? How many
more Americans must die on U.S. soil before
we, they wake up to the reality of Islam?

"It would be an even greater tragedy if our
diversity becomes a casualty here," Casey
said on Sunday's morning shows. Really?
Tell that to the victims of the Muslim terrorist
who shouted "Allahu Akbar!" before pumping
fellow soldiers full of bullets at close range.
Tell it to their grieving families."

The real tragedy is that diversity and
multiculturalism have played a huge
part in allowing this to happen. We
are so afraid of offending Islam or Muslims
that they just about kill us in our own beds
as we sleep. Yes, that is taking it a bit too
far perhaps but that is how I feel. Islam gets
away with too much and the white washing
that we are seeing with Fort Hood tragedy
should serve as a horrific wake up call about
the truth of Islam; it is an ugly and violent

Here is the link for the article.


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