
Thanks Obama, you are a true appeaser, coward and liar. Caving in to Islam!

Barack HUSSEIN Obama: Keeping the world safe for Islamic terrorists and Shari’a Law « Bare Naked Islam's Weblog

The caving in to Islam continues at the
White House and with Obama's administration.
These two Muslims have ties to organizations
that are nasty and vile.

"President Obama appoints two DEVOUT
MUSLIMS (devout as in Major Hasan of
Fort Hood) to high positions in the Department
of Homeland Security." Bare Naked Islam has
the full report.

Arif Alikhan


Kareem Shora

Here is another example of 'Stealth Jihad'
that is inflitrating our government at the
highest levels. These two men will work
hand in hand with Islam and Obama to make
sure Islam and all the evil it stands for, worms
itself deep inside our government.

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