
Report states the Health care bill from the House will reduce senior care. That is just for starters.

Nonpartisan agency says House bill would reduce senior care - washingtonpost.com
By Lori Montgomery Washington Post

"The report offers the clearest and most authoritative assessment to date of the effect that Democratic health reform proposals would have on Medicare and Medicaid, the nation's largest public health programs. It analyzes the House bill, but the Senate is also expected to rely on hundreds of billions of dollars in Medicare cuts to finance the package that Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) hopes to take to the floor this week. Like the House, the Senate is expected to propose adding millions of people to Medicaid."

So how many years will our children and their
grandchildren have to 'bend over' to keep
paying for this trainwreck of a bill? The taxes
of the welfare states in Europe keep climbing
higher and higher. But wait, Obama promised
us "hope and change."

Just ignore that $787,000,000,000
cost, folks Move along, move along
there is nothing to see here.


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