
The Muslim Brotherhood and Obama.. Once upon a time...Please read on.

From China Confidential.

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Hitler admired the Muslim Brotherhood
and Islam for the way they had persecuted
the Jews since the 7th century. What does
that tell you?

Obama Quietly Backing Muslim Brotherhood

China Confidential has learned that the Obama administration is quietly backing the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, in an attempt to curry favor with the banned Islamist opposition group.

What are Obama's motives here. The MB is one of the most vile Islamic
organizations in existence. Wonder how Israel feels about this move?
Of course when one has friends like Hugo Chavez, Zelaya, The Castro's,
maybe this is just a natural fit for Obama. After all he has appointed
so many anti-semitic, racist, self hating JINO'S into his administration
maybe it would be like how things are back in the 'hood' in Chicago.

In response to the Brotherhood's emergence from elections in 2005 as Egypt's main opposition group, the government of President Hosni Mubarak has wisely banned religion-based political parties. The government has introduced legislation preventing Muslim Brothers from standing in elections as independent candidates.

The government has also sought to cripple the movement by arresting hundreds of its members.

Obama's engagement of the Brotherhood recalls the Eisenhower administration's covert support for the group in a failed attempt to topple the secular nationalist Nasser regime and the catastrophic Carter administration's covert backing of the Ayatollah Khomeini and craven betrayal of Iran's pro-American, modernizing monarch, the Shah, in a disastrous attempt to hop aboard the Islamist bandwagon in that country.

The world's oldest and largest Islamic political group, the Muslim Brotherhood was founded by the Egyptian schoolteacher Hassan al-Banna in 1928. It spawned Al Qaeda, among other groups, and serves as the center of the global Islamist movement.

On October 6, 1981, the Brotherhood made history by assassinating Egyptian President Anwar Sadat. He was gunned down during an annual military parade in Cairo. A fatwa approving his assassination--for the "crime" of making peace with israel--had been obtained from Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman, a blind cleric later convicted in the United States for his role in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. He is currently serving a life sentence at a U.S. prison in North Carolina.

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