Gary Fouse
"Let me tell you a thing or two about Islam."
- Joe Biden to Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Hat tip Washington Examiner and Jihad Watch
You really have to read to near the end of this article about Muslim apostate and Islam-critic Ayaan Hirsi Ali, where she describes her meeting with Joe Biden, who tried to explain to her that ISIS has nothing to do with Islam.
"Hell, I was circumcised when I was kid too. That's no big f----' deal."
The problem with Joe Biden is that he has always considered himself to be the smartest person in the room. He displayed this time after time when he was a senator and holding hearings on this and that. The truth of the matter is that Joe Biden is a complete fool. When you make a statement like that to a woman who has lived her life in fear because of her apostasy from and criticism of Islam, you prove once and for all that you are a fool. Had Ms Ali wished to continue the conversation with this boob, she could have shown him this picture (below) of Dutch film maker Theo Van Gogh, with whom she produced a film critical of Islam's treatment of women.
"Mr Biden, let me tell you a thing or two about Islam."
1 Comments - Share Yours!:
To the best of my recollection, the Beloved Boob has had brain surgery not once, but twice. I don't know how much of what was removed, but it does kind of explain his thought process and demeanor. What is does not explain is why he is still qualified to be 2nd in line for anything except free soup.
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