“Veterans Day Commemoration at
Dallas City Hall on 11 November 2004. The veteran pictured is Houston
James, a survivor of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in December
1941, and the Marine is Staff Sgt. Mark Graunke Jr., a member of an
ordnance-disposal team who lost his left eye, his left hand, the thumb
and index finger of his right hand, and his right leg as a result of
injuries sustained while defusing a bomb in Iraq in July 2003.”

At 2:00 minutes in this video a soldier dies, his hand slipping from the shaft of the flag he carries. Another hand grabs the flag before it can fall.
And so it is with the soldier. One gives all, another takes up the call – for freedom, for liberty.
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2 Comments - Share Yours!:
Thank you for two fine posts. We would not e ere without our military, all there is too it. Now the liar and thief wants to all but neuter our military with more cuts.
I hate Obama, just plain hate him.
I don't spend a lot of time on hate. Not worth it. But when I do.....
He is only the third in my whole life. For them there is no forgive and forget. Ain't gonna happen.
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