
Post removed-here is why

I removed a post about Obama making November Celebrating Muslims month.

This post was removed by me as it had no link back for proof or vetting. I had numerous emails that this was not true so I felt it was best to remove the post.

Please re-post with credible proof and this is an FYI to all contributors here. If I am in error, most sorry and I have been guilty of the same thing.

I am out of town and do not have access to all my resources or email operations. PatriotUSA

Tags: Research, Link backs Vetting your posts To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!

4 Comments - Share Yours!:

Anonymous said...

O/T--Thanks for your positive comment on my post at iOTW, @PatriotUSA.

IF by any chance you'd like to repost here, permission totally granted.


Findalis said...

Too bad. It is just the thing that Obama would do.

David Forward said...

Clash Daily (web site) ran a satire piece -- and it was labeled "satire," about the Obamamessiah declaring a month as "Muslim Appreciation Month." Unfortunately, many people have seen it and run with it while not seeing the satire label.

PatriotUSA said...


Thank you for your permission and I will do so later tonight.

Double thank you for dropping by and taking the time to comment here.

The honor is mine and I speak for many who I am sure will agree with what you have written.