
ICYMI: Cause Of The Huge Fires In Colorado And Other States!

Have you heard this panel report from over a year ago (Aug 13, 2012)? Now fires in the U.S. are even worse! Time for us to focus on this issue and reconsider the presenter report. The below a conference panel speaker was William Scott on Economic Warfare. He details the likely cause of the 346 homes lost in the Waldo Canyon fire in Colorado Springs ... And now 510 homes in Black Forest at Monument, 12 miles north of Colorado Springs and other states. In the last year, we have had numerous more fires.

Tags: fire, national forests, economic warfare, al Qaeda, terrorists To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!

3 Comments - Share Yours!:

Anonymous said...

So now we can expect to have the NAZI stormtroops from DHS and TSA "inspecting" us if we wish to go camping? WHAT UTTER NAZI PROPAGANDA! Go! NEOCONs! SIEG HIEL!!! Thank God the subhuman federal scum are there to protect us with molestation --Freedom is slavery Y'all!!---Ray

P.B. said...

If you remember the Clinton administration's "land grab" and the Obama "regulatory" restrictions from the "sequester" by way of the Department of Agriculture Forest Service, BLM, and Park Service. Now the open door to other regulations through DHS to further restrict the citizens from using "public lands"... more government, less freedom!

Findalis said...

I heard a rumor that these wildfires have been deliberately set. If true could this be arson jihad like they have had in Australia?