My comments are also directed at the troll dan.14 who was eviscerated by Nick here and read the running comments to see what I mean.
Now you know the rest of the story.
Here is the post that triggered my response which you will find on top of the feed and then the post from The Last Refuge.
I was recently called out by a trollish commentator here on the Corner and my response was posted as his comment was, as he said I would not. Truly one who does not know me through this site at all. Nick put him in his place quite well and Mr. troll was correct about one thing, I am not a great debater. never have sold myself as that. Nor do I portend to be the most intelligent, witty, philosophical, you get the picture.
My comment at the LTR:
PatriotUSA says:
I am already a far right conservative
extremist, a racist, homophobic, islamophobic, cling to my scripture,
guns, love the Constitution, the Founding fathers, am just about to turn
60, white male, drive a big AMERICAN car, dislike environazis,
political correctness, excessive diversity and multiculturalism and now
this. To my last breath or drop of blood spilled, I am an AMERICAN and
am so glad I grew up in the age of AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM.
Most of the younger generation are sadly ignorant, want it now and free without work or effort. I am already hated, loathed, vilified and now will have one more target on my back. This one shoots back and seldom misses. I will not cough up my guns, remaining freedom or liberty without resistance or a fight. If it comes to this then this will be my legacy and I would not want it any other way.
The solution is do what we can with the time we have left. Darkening times call for drastic measures that will eventually shine light back on what was taken from us. We must look in mirror and see that we (not so much those who tread here) have allowed so much to be stripped from us, bit by bit. I weep for my kids and the future generations.
“A gov’t big enough to give you everything you want is a gov’t big enough to take from you everything you have.” — Gerald Ford
Most of the younger generation are sadly ignorant, want it now and free without work or effort. I am already hated, loathed, vilified and now will have one more target on my back. This one shoots back and seldom misses. I will not cough up my guns, remaining freedom or liberty without resistance or a fight. If it comes to this then this will be my legacy and I would not want it any other way.
The solution is do what we can with the time we have left. Darkening times call for drastic measures that will eventually shine light back on what was taken from us. We must look in mirror and see that we (not so much those who tread here) have allowed so much to be stripped from us, bit by bit. I weep for my kids and the future generations.
“A gov’t big enough to give you everything you want is a gov’t big enough to take from you everything you have.” — Gerald Ford
Gun Control Process: Obama To Use Same Roadmap As Obamacare, Same Methods, Approaches, Tactics…. Including Gun Lobby Support…. And McConnell Says He Doesn’t See It….
Now that Mitch McConnell -the creepy senate galapagous tortoise guy- has insufferably stated Republicans will “study any recommendations and then see what’s appropriate to do”. I have, with specific and complete certainty, lost all hope for any Second Amendment firearm ownership. Gun and firearm ownership will soon be lost.
The: “Stop The Slaughter of Our Innocent Children, Defend Our Schools, Protect the Feeble and Huddled Masses, and Be Safe in Your Country From The Radical -Violent- Blood Thirsty- Extremists” bill – will contain all manner of stuff, not just the elimination of gun ownership.
Oh, how quickly people forget. Obamacare included the takeover of college education finance too, not just a healthcare takeover.
Republican leader Mitch McConnell federal [says] spending and the
country’s debt will dominate the congressional agenda for the next three
months, and that debate about potential gun legislation in the wake of
the Connecticut school shooting will take a back seat.
The Kentucky lawmaker tells ABC’s
“This Week” that lawmakers will wait to see what an Obama administration
review led by Vice President Joe Biden might propose. McConnell says
Congress will need to study any recommendations and then see what’s
appropriate to do.
But he says that over the coming months, nothing much beyond the country’s finances will occupy the attention of Congress. (more)
We are so screwed.

WASHINGTON DC - President Obama plans to ally himself with big business once again by using crony capitalist tactics to pass gun control just as he used them to pass Obamacare. In this case, Obama reportedly plans to make sure that the new gun control law benefits big businesses that sell weapons.
“[T]he White House is
developing strategies to work around the National Rifle Association that
one source said could include rallying support from Wal-Mart and other
gun retailers for measures that would benefit their businesses,” The Washington Post reports.
Obama used the same tactic when passing his health care law, when Jim Messina (the White House deputy chief of staff, at the time, who went on to manage the 2012 presidential campaign) negotiated with the drug industry to get them to pay for pro-Obamacare television ads. (Keep reading)
Source is here.
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