
Boehner MUST GO! "No Votes"

Haven't the foggiest what "No Votes" means on today's schedule.  I have on good authority it means they will return to work and prepare for tomorrow's regular work day by clipping and or polishing their nails.  Some of the good ol boys spent the weekend yapping at whoever would listen to them that perhaps a tax hike wouldn't be so bad if......
Tools for your use - first the list you have been seeing daily -
Now A NEW LIST some of you may prefer to work with.
This list is intended to allow you to copy, then paste, multiple Representatives into a single tweet.  The names are not linked and do not need to be, twitter does it automatically.
The beauty of twitter is that unlike when contacting a Rep by phone or e-mail, they do not know what area of the country you hail from and therefore cannot just write off your concerns because you are not in their state!  With a short message like BOEHNER MUST GO! you can probably tweet eight or nine each time!
Let's roll patriots!!!  Time is of the essence! ....


Tags: Boehner; War On America; Let's Roll! To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!

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