
Boehner MUST GO! - 10 Days Left

Boehner: "I told Tom earlier in our conference meeting that I disagreed with him," the speaker told reporters Wednesday. "He's a wonderful friend of mine and a great supporter of mine, but raising taxes on the so-called top 2 percent -- half of those taxpayers are small-business owners that pay their taxes through their personal income tax filing every year. The goal here is to grow the economy and control spending. You're not going to grow the economy if you raise tax rates on the top two [percent]. It'll hurt small businesses; it'll hurt our economy."
Yeah, yeah, yeah.   Sounds good but there are several problems here - MAINLY - we are already over the so called cliff - you are yapping from below.  You know it, and WE know it.  Where is the conversation of severely cutting federal spending as a major path to recovery?  What-EV-er Boehner.  We know to expect cave-in in - -> 10 - 9 - 8 - 7......

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1 Comments - Share Yours!:

PatriotUSA said...

Done and it takes about 10-15 minutes is all, sometimes time I just do not have right now. At least ISP is 'back.'

Thanks Andrea hope all is well.