This is a excellent take down of the liberalism that has infected so many LIBERAL Jewish people.
The ones I know are just the opposite of what you will read about here in Daniel Greenfield's take down of liberal Jews like debbie, (really ugly, ho' skank bitch) waserman-schultz, schumer and bloomberg.
Suicide is a great word for these stupid liberal Jews that buy into this garbage because that is what the generations before them did or because obama is the first BLACK potus. Never mind he is an anti-Semitic bastard and has how many Jew haters, racists in his administration?
This runs a bit long and I make no apologies for that.
From Right Side News.
Suicide as a Jewish Value
By Daniel Greenfield
A month ago, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz sat down with the host of a Jewish
television channel and could not name any reason for Jews to vote for
Obama except for his support for abortion.
Which is to say that the favorite muppet of the Democratic Party could
not think of any reason to support B.O. except a mutual commitment that
fewer Jews be born.
It is a little-known fact that Margaret Sanger, that pioneer of eugenic solutions to
"racial, political, and social problems", began by targeting Jews,
opening her first center in Brownsville, Brooklyn, complete with Yiddish
and Italian flyers, aiming for the two immigrant groups whose high
reproduction rates were considered a social problem.
Abortion as a Liberal Jewish value has
been a stunning success. In New York City, where Sanger first set up
shop, 74 percent of all Jewish children are members of the
traditionalist Orthodox religious group. Liberal Jews are already
panicking over the prospect of a future Jewish population in New York
City that is staunchly conservative and religious.
A recent survey of New York City Jews
also shows a nearly even split between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama. 46
percent of New York Jews are planning to vote against Obama, and a
majority of New York City Jews think that Romney would be better at
fixing the economy than B.O. But it is only to be expected that the
group for whom abortion isn't a Jewish value would come to outnumber the
group for whom abortion is a Jewish value.
The problem with values is that you have
to live with their consequences. When your values dictate that
terrorists deserve all the protections of the civilian justice system,
then you have to be ready to live with the explosions. If your values
dictate minimal population growth, then you have to accept the
consequences of extinction. Values that are contrary to survival carry
their own natural cost. And when your values are at odds with your
interests, then your values might as well be an open window, a loaded
revolver or a dose of strychnine.
Liberal Jews like to talk about Jewish
values rather than Jewish interests, because their values are
incompatible with Jewish interests-- even as a matter of simple
survival. The usual liberal grab bag of values that are represented by
the Jewish hand puppets of liberalism, like Wasserman-Schultz, aren't
just alien, they threaten the basic survival of the Jewish People.
When asked to justify what interests the
Democratic Party and American Jews have in common, the Jewish liberal
dives into a copy of the New York Times and comes up with illegal immigration, abortion, gay rights and support for peace in the Middle East.
That list of Liberal Jewish values not
only fails to align with a single Jewish interest, but each of them
threatens Jewish interests... that is if survival is to be considered a
Jewish interest.
Peace in the Middle East means aborting
Israel, dissecting it into small pieces and repeating the process until
there is no country left. It's another case of liberal Jews trying to do
to Israel what they have already done to themselves. To believe that
pressuring Israel into making a non-stop roll of concessions to Muslim
terrorists is a Jewish value is to believe that suicide is a Jewish
Illegal immigration, a cause that
virtually every major Jewish organization has signed on to, means the
mass migration of Mexicans to the United States. The ADL's own survey shows
that nearly half of foreign-born Latinos rate as strongly Anti-Semitic,
over three times the rate of white Americans. (Bad news for the
glorious civil rights alliance; the ADL's strongly antisemitic ratings
are 12 percent for white Americans, 35 percent for African-Americans and
44 percent for foreign-born Latinos.) The only way to make sense of
this is that Liberal Jewish groups believe that increasing Anti-Semitism
in America is actually a Jewish value.
But liberals of all creeds need more
Mexican illegal aliens and immigrants from all across the Third World to
compensate for the good work of Sanger. Liberal Christians fear the
reproduction rates of Conservative Christians as Liberal Jews fear the
reproduction rates of Orthodox Jews. The only way out of the demographic
race is to import "ringers" who will have the children that they won't.
The new eugenics is political eugenics. Birth control is no longer for
the people that Sanger considered the "unfit", they're valued now for
their reproductive rates which help the "fit" stay in power.
Growing Anti-Semitism is a small price
to pay for the Liberal values of having people like Debbie
Wasserman-Schultz sitting in Congress instead of selling tie-dyed
t-shirts and hand-painted seashell bongs in a flea market. And like all
the wages of liberalism, the price for it isn't paid by the people on
top, but by those at the bottom. Those Jews living next to the 44
percent in New York City or on farms in the West Bank within firing
range of their Palestinian Muslim peace partners. The Jews whom Sanger
and Schultz consider "unfit".
There is a fundamental
gap between the interests of those Jews and those of a liberal elite
who claim that their Liberal values are our Jewish values. The values of
the elite are linked to power while those of the population are linked
to survival. The power of Liberal Jewish elites is inextricably linked
to the decimation of Jewish populations, whether in the United States,
Europe or Israel.
Jews who have grown up within the bubble
of Liberal Jewish values are repeatedly asked to choose between their
own interests, their physical, social and economic welfare, and the
values that have been presented to them as Jewish values. They are
encouraged to believe that betraying their own interests is a noble act
of self-sacrifice for the greater good.
This is the same false choice between
interests and values, between the low ground of survival and the high
ground of moral superiority, that the left subjects all Americans and
Europeans to on a regular basis. What all the lecturers on the theme of
the moral high ground and the new value system have forgotten to mention
is that a value system that is incapable of perpetuating itself is of
very little use to anyone. It isn't even any good as an act of martyrdom
because martyrs are remembered by the people who share their beliefs.
Martyrs that live on die for a faith,
not for the extinction of a faith. And that is what Liberal Jewish
values are. The extinction of a faith and a people in the name of a
better faith in liberalism and a better people in the form of a
multicultural rainbow of other people who have children, but still vote
Democratic, because their religious values have not yet been submerged
within a liberal identity.
The paradox of the multicultural
alliance is that the political survival of the narrow wedge of liberals
at the top depends on a larger wedge of non-liberals who vote for them
but don't share their values. If the minority communities adopted the
full panoply of liberal values, they would be on the same path to
extinction as the people for whom they have been taught to pull the
lever on Election Day.
That is what makes the multicultural
alliance into a frighteningly unstable beast which is always at risk of
either breaking left or breaking right and must be constantly
replenished through fresh supplies of immigrants who are still
economically liberal and socially conservative enough to keep the system
Jewish Liberals are stuck in a
particularly hellish version of this paradox preaching an extinction
based value system that is doomed to lose the race to traditionalists.
And the only way out is to try and suborn and break down the values of
Jewish traditionalists more aggressively in order to gain fresh recruits
for their zombie army of the living dead.
Margaret Sanger at least understood
that, " the unbalance between the birth rate of the "unfit" and the
"fit"... can never be rectified by the inauguration of a cradle
competition between these two classes". Birth control teaching without
eugenics would never be enough, but the age when the government can
mandate a One Child Policy is not yet here. And even if it did arrive,
it would still lead to a higher birth rate for couples in traditional
The race between traditional Jewish
values and Liberal Jewish values must always end in the same way over
and over again. Suicide can never become a Jewish value unless it is
universalized and it can never be universalized until every traditional
group is broken down. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz has already lost and she
probably knows it. If she doesn't, the Jewish Federations who are busy
typing up the survey results certainly do. And while that will lead them
to redirect more money to groups such as Yeshivat Chovevei Torah and
Uri L'Tzedek which act as leftist outposts of the war on traditional
Judaism-- that too is another race they cannot win.
In Israel and America, the proponents of
Jewish suicide are successfully wiping themselves out, while the
proponents of Jewish survival are filling up cradles. The race between
the Jewish values of Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and their values is
already being won.
Original source is here.
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